What we doing?

So we are all eating and this happens:
1:Hanna and Dusk settle their problem
2:Yuki says he has a twin
3:we have to pack up and wait at the gates

"Whats this about?" Ryou asked,"you make it seem like i know!" i said to him,packing my crap."ok,just wanted to know." he said looking upset."sorry man." i said and he smiled.So we got our stuff and were going outside to the gate.we said hi to some of the others,or i should say Ryou said hi to the others.i dont like talking to people much.

So we're out side and we drop our stuff and sit down on the dirt."Its hot out here!!" i yelled and they all looked at me like i was crazy."it is actually fairly cool today." said someone,i just glared at them and said,"Im.a.Vampire!!!I think its hot out here!",then Ryou put my hod on my head and said "helps if u put this on." he said and rubbed my head."hahaha i knew that!" i said staring at him.He stared back.then more people came and we just sat there will the others talked.
there simple enough
