
I held my cheek where Lilith had kissed it. Why had she don that, and why had she thought I was afraid of death? I was more afraid for Koji. I sighed as the prince told us to prepare to leave. I sighed and stood up. I walked to my room and gathered what I had with me. I sighed leaving the room. I walked outside and was surprised to see that I wasn't the fist one out there. I nodded to the others as I walked through them. I walked over to the entrance and leaned against the wall and stared at the sky. I remembered the stores Mom used to tell us. The times we would play on our vacations.

It had been two years. A fourteen-year-old left alone to find for himself. I had also had a huge gash down one of my arms. I still had the scare from it, from the top of my shoulder to my elbow. I had been lucky Kallik had shown up.

Thinking about my past made me want to help Koji even more. It hurt me to think he had no real control. It was all Night Fire, that thing had almost complete control of his body. He wouldn't even have a voice by now. It was all that beast Night Fire. I had to save him.

"What do you think you can do?" I looked around before I figured out it was Ice Sky.

"I don't know." I answered him.

"Yuki, I can help you. I need my real form released if I am to us my full power." I sighed.

"Ice Sky I know you need to be released, but I don't know how." I told him.

"You'll see soon." Ice Sky replied.

"We're partners, remember?" I scoffed.

"I can't tell, remember? It's a rule." Ice Sky sniffed.

I sighed again, "Just tell me when you can."

"It will be instantaneous," Ice Sky said.
I sighed as I got my stuff together. I stepped outside and saw Yuki leaning ageist the wall. As I walked up to him I heard him say, "We're partners, remember?" I know he was talking to Ice Sky.

I wish I could hear there conversation, but only Yuki can hear Ice Sky. Yuki said, "Just tell me when you can." It was hard to tell what they where talking about.
I won't make Ice Sky his own character after his true form is released. For now he's part of Yuki's character. Also only Yuki can hear Ice Sky, but he says his side out loud.
