Let the Bad Luck Begin...

“So what do you do for fun?” I asked them excitedly. They were about to reply when there was a scream from the kitchen. I looked at both of them and not really sure if they were following or not I ran to the kitchen and looked in to see a fire had started…

Blinking and looking at it wide eyed I took a frightened steep back. I didn’t like fire. Never have. Never will… Wrapping my arms around myself I took second steep back and bumped into someone. Looking up I recognized it to be September.

He too seemed surprised, “How did this happen?!” He asked slightly shocked. I shook my head unsure. All I knew was that I wanted to get away from the fire… Even if it wasn’t that big.

Soon enough the had the fire under control and no one seemed to really get how it could have set on fire, but they ended up saying that it must have just been a fluke… But was it really? COULD it have been from the two demons who seemed to have bad luck following them everywhere?

I shook my head… There was no way for us to really tell… Maybe his sister could but… mayyyyybe not…. Most fate demons tried to block out most thing…


