Nightmares and Encounters

I can't sleep so I'll post


I felt bad for Xexilia. Her twin sisters is missing and could have been killed by the Kenai just like Midori. I wonder what to say to comfort her but I was too tired to come up with anything helpful.

"Alright," Xexilia said stretching. "Let's hit the hay, people!"

Dusk got off the chair he was resting on and jumped on to my bed. Xexilia looked at him and sneered, "Oh, and I wouldn't transform into my human form again, if I were you, Dusk."

Ugh I didn't wanted to be reminded of that but I found myself smiling in humor.

"Stupid elf," Dusk growled and went to sleep.

I pulled the covers over me and said, "Goodnight."

Xexilia nodded and blew out the candles.

I tried to fall back to sleep but something kept bothering me. I guess I was still worried about Midori. I sighed and took my travel pouch out, I rummage around until I found my Memory Ball. It's like a dairy but it stores my visual memories and I could watch them again and again. I waved my hand over it and watched as an image formed inside the crystal like a very clear and detailed reflection. It was me and Midori when we were five and we all lived together until the Witching Court made dad leave.

I watched the images play for like a few minutes when Xexilia suddenly screamed. I jumped and almost dropped the crystal. I hurried over to Xexilia and shook her awake. "Xexilia! Wake up!"

I heard her curse under her breath and she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, "What is it?"

I looked at her in concern. "You were screaming. Are you alright?"

She nodded, "Yeah just peachy." It sounded kind of sarcastic. I know sarcastic Dusk is the Mr. Sarcasm and speak of the Devil he's awake.

"Agh what the Hell is wrong with you?" Dusk said rudely and yawned. "Here I am trying to sleep and you scream like a freakin' banshee. I thought elves had lovely voices but I forgot you aren't the perfect elf." He can be really mean when he's cranky.

Xexilia glared at him and then threw a pillow and he was knocked off the bed. "Ouch! Hey you freakin'..."

I picked up Dusk and used the Silent spell on him, "Now be nice and go to sleep or I'll sing you a lullaby."

His eyes grew huge and he shook his head hard. "Good boy," I said and put him back on my bed. I turned to Xexilia, "Are you sure you're alright?"


"Damn it he got away," I sighed and rested my chin on my hand. "What a shame. It's not every day a being from another world visits ours. The last person who successful used Space and Time Magic was that Sara Avalon woman." I sighed. "I was hoping to ask him how he got here but oh no you had to scare him away." I glared at the little warlock girl.

She glared at me and said nothing but that annoying puppet spoke up, "Shut up it's not Mona's fault it's yours! He must have thought you were gay for him and he freaked out!"

"Hell no! When you smiled like that and said you were going to take him by force made him run away!" The nerve of that little puppet! Damn it now I'm starting to think that it's really alive.

I shook my head, "This is not the time for this. We have to follow Nariku's orders and stop those wannabee heros form resurrecting the Princesses."

Desdemona looked out the window, "We should arrive at the town they lived in."

She was right and then we stopped in front of an inn. I could sense strong auras a lot of them so this must be the place. "Now how can we follow them without arousing suspicious." I said looking up at the building. "There's a witch among of them and it might be risky if we introduce ourselves. The witch must knows about me already."

"Don't forget your Wanted posters," The puppet added.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair in frustration. I could disguise myself with magic but that kind was never my forte and they might smell magic on me. I looked at Desdemona and she was smiling again. Oh no what now?

"I have an idea," She said and held up a faceless doll in her hands.
I'll just tell you guys her idea cuz I don't want to continue or make another post until I get some sleep. She's planning on stealing someone's soul and make them her puppet/spy.
*yawns* well good night
