Damn you you sparkly vampire scum writers.

Well comic con is now a cesspool where it takes people's lives thanks to twilight. No I'm serious. Look at the game theory video on comic con. I'll summarize but thanks to that… thing I hesitate to even refer to it in thought as a piece of literature that even hell will accept twilight it added so many people to the con that when you added the waiting times it would make you have to wait a time that would if you went back in time with wasted you could meet mr.Bonaparte. And dozens of lives taken in total wasted. In the past yes the cons were long but not exactly a life killer but thanks to twilight it literally takes lifetimes and millions of dollars wasted on it BECAUSE of that evil scum of paper and text I hesitate to call a book. And that's not counting the waiting for the autographs and the free stuff so holy mother if it wasn't for twilight comic con would have been not killing people off..... TWILIGHT WHY DOES YOUR EVIL KNOW NO BOUNDS!?!?!?!?!??!?!?
So don't go to comic con unless you feel real lucky cause if those wait times feel like a lifetime it was cause it WAS. It takes the collective hours if waiting added up to a human life with some bits left over.
