A Lizard Easter!

Hey Everyone!
One question, does anyone like Lizards? well I don't mean love, but just the fact that they can crawl on walls have dragon like gazes and don't forget the tongue thingy :P

Fortunately and unfortunately where I live, happens to be the Shibuya crossing for Lizards and I tend to find one almost every other day, yes its gross at times but I guess I've learned to accept them!

The other day I found this one, so far it was the largest one I ever saw, if you look closely you can notice the smile on its face! XD and its eyes were like copper...okay I'm gonna stop using the word "it" cause I think it was a girl!

No I still haven't learned to differentiate between lizards :P
The reason why I'm saying this is because, soon after I saw that Lizard I found these eggs....cool right.....or freaky, (whatever makes your day)
so I think this will be a pretty good Easter, although my exams are right through the event. :(
