Well, here I am. People who know me love me whether they like it or not. It's a burden since I dislike most people. You can find My actual Life HERE. I have many fandoms, and many likes but I have yet to find passion in a past time. You are welcome as long as you behave.

I figure as long as STAN can live here, I can too. Here's round two.



Fictitious things

Me Too

I am so ready for me to be off work.

Off work now, but it's too late to talk to the someone I needed off work for.
So, in other news, I love my current team of co-workers. We have so much fun. I fucking got hit in the eye with a Nerf dart tonight and didn't give a shit because we were having so much fun, even with back to back calls and no free time.


This post contains alcohol. You must be 21 years of age to consume. Or at least have the smarts not to lecture me on the perils of alcohol and/or binge drinking. I'm a grown up.

Today was BEERFEST. It's a charitable event, so it's not just debauchery. It's at least debauchery for a good cause. Beer vendors from all over the region come and set up stalls. People pay $35, they get a glass and go from stall to stall to sample all kinds of different beers. It's a great way to broaden your tastes and discover new beers.

I was not intending to go, but Lacy told me I was and she has already bought my ticket. How can one turn that down? I obediently showed up at her house so we could meet up and go. Our group turned out to be 8 people, most piled into Lacy's car, but Nikki and I rode with Gretchen. We found a bomb parking space. Line waiting and waiting later we make it inside. Brandon and I are like 4 samples in when I get a phone call. I answer it, I can't really hear what's being said, but the person on the other end seems upset at me and then hangs up.

The day progresses as it does every year. I run into a lot of familiar people, drink a lot of beer and have an awesome time. I feel a little silly because Tory is flirting with me, and that confuses me. This guy named Logan is there with us, and he's a friend of Tory. He's amusing but blond... He felt the need to tell me all day how awesome I am. I decided to tell a random guy that he was the most attractive person at BEERFEST. He smiled meekly and thanked me before I walked away. The ran out of beer around 3. :(

As expected, Gretchen is not to be found, so Nikki and I are minus a ride. We climb into the luggage area in the back of Lacy's SUV and proceed to drive to the bar. I had no plans to stay until late, but plans so rarely work out. My car still being at Lacy's house, I was kind of stuck. I really quit drinking at this point and ordered a sandwich. So, while we're there some homeless people were walking by. One of the guys in the bar, not one with us, called out to him and they were talking and somehow Homeless Guy ended up at our table. Sheamus welcomed him to the beer and talked to him for a long time. Shea is a pretty awesome guy. He's dating Lacy, and I approve. I think he should spell his name Seamus.

I get a ride back to my car, just because I feel better having it around. Everyone is drunk except me. We are getting ready to leave the bar, and there is not enough room in Lacy's car, so my carefully planned escape didn't work. I had 3 people in my car whom I was unexpected taking to Lacy's. I dropped them at Lacy's, but for some reason, one of the girls thought I would need help taking care of my dogs and decided to go to my house with me. I still to this very moment don't get it. So, after coming home to a huge mess that I felt really weird having to clean up with a stranger in my house, I would have to go BACK to Lacy's. Fine, I'll be fucking social. I go back to Lacy's and notice that at this point it's not even 8 PM.

The drinking continues for everyone else, and I'm just having fun. April is there and I haven't seen her in ages. Creepy lady who came to my house does not seem to be having any fun. I left just after 10. I had a migraine. I got home and showered and that helped my headache a lot. but I was/am so tired. I'm just afraid going to bed at this point will mean I will wake up at like 8 AM.

Evil Thing of Evil

I have had laryngitis for the last 2 days. If you work in a call center and can't talk, then it's sick time. I'm also much with the tiredness. That last sentence makes me ashamed of myself. Yet, I leave it. Take that, grammar shame. You will not defeat me.

I have been invited to continue on as chat mod. Huzzah!

I've been really busy the last couple of days, but not with anything of import to the world at large. But important enough for my time. I've been watching Across the Universe all evening, wishing I was able to sing along with it. I did do some self recording the other day and realized that it's been almost 12 years since I sang anything seriously and I no longer have a sense of pitch when I sing and I need to FIX IT. It's rather embarrassing.

I drank a lot of tea today and now I am tired but not sleepy. Way to go, me. I also slept a good part of the day. Eh, it's alright. Late night, late morning. NO CALLS OR TEXTS BEFORE 11 my time, please.

My bother called me today and asked me to visit this weekend since my sister and her kids were going up. It's really tempting. I don't know his kids as much as I would like to, and their 5th is on the way. It's kid of people like my brother and his wife that make it unnecessary for me to spawn. They have replaced themselves, myself, my monk younger brother and one other person in the current population. I dig my brother, he's a good guy. But I'm pretty sure he makes the Tea Party look like Socialists with his social and political views. If you haven't noticed, I tend to lean to the left. I really think of myself a one of the few members of The Sanity Party. It's fun to watch us go at it though, because we are rational people and while they are heated, we have discussions. We don't fling insults, we don't interrupt. We do laugh at each other, but it's civil and educational. We should be examples to all.

I got a call from my loan officer today, and it was fruitful. and it quelled many of my frustrations.

Insert Witty Title Here

So, I'm not quite drunk, but I'm definitely not sober. I went out with my friends again tonight, and it should have been a hoot. I had a good time, but they kept buying me drinks thinking it would make me lighten up and have fun, and I nursed every one of them due to not wanting to be drunk. With every one I finished, I felt worse. Not ill, not sick to my stomach, I felt like laying on my couch until I became attached to it worse. I left before everyone else. They know they cannot and will not stop me, but they freaked out a little because it was an 8 block walk to my car that I was making alone. I'm not drunk, I'm poor and I look it, AND I'm a fat kid. I am no danger of being robbed or raped. I'm home and I'm moping. I can't tell if it's the alcohol, my period or just hating the bar we were at.

I'm grouchy. that's all.

I Got Tagged

Rule #1:
If you open this you take it.

Rule #2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.

Rule #3:
Tag 10 people

Answer Yes or No.

Q: Kissed someone on your friends list in Facebook ?

Q: Been arrested ?

Q: Do you like someone?
Not really

Q: Held a snake ?

Q: Been suspended from school ?
nope, but I skipped a lot

Q: Sang karaoke ?

Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do ?
yeppo, almost everyday

Q: Laughed until you started crying ?
Yes, but not often enough

Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue ?

Q: Kissed in the rain ?
uh huh

Q: Sang in the shower ?

Q: Sat on a roof top ?

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ?
No, but I jumped

Q: Broken a bone ?

Q: Shaved your head ?

Q: Played a prank on someone ?

Q: Shot a gun ?
Yeppo. I love my little .357 snubnose

Q: Donated Blood ?
nope, I'm anemic

Just be 100% truthful.


1. You hung out with ?

2. You texted ?

3. You were in a car with ?

4. Went to the movies with ?
My Sister

5. Person(s) you went to shop with ?
Boo shopping

6. You talked on the phone ?

7. Made you laugh ?

8. You hugged ?


1. Sun or moon?

2. Winter or Fall ?

3. Left or Right ?

4. Sunny or rainy ?

5. Where do you live ?
In the Middle

6. Club or pub ?

7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on?
I'd like to think so, but I'm skiddish

8. Do you want to get married ?
Not again

9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it ?

10. What time is it ?
2:01 AM

11. Are you afraid of commitment ?
Not afraid, just adverse to

12. What is your greatest hope / wish ?
To backpack the Andes and see Machu Pichu

13. Do you cook ?

14. Current mood ?


1. Kissed someone ?

2. Sang ?

3. Listened to music ?

4. Danced?

5. Cried ?

6. Liked someone you can't have ?


1. Who was your first prom date ?
uhm... I think his name was John

2. Who was your first roommate ?

3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time ?
VODKA. My sister still calls me Molly Yeltsin

4. What was your first car ?
Chevy Celebrity

5. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing ?
I was 4, it was my Grandpa

6. Who was your first grade teacher ?
Sister Francis. Hooray Catholic School

7. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane ?
San Diego? I don't remember if we flew or not. If not that, Chicago

8. When you snuck out of your house for the first time ?

9. Who was your first Best Friend ?

10. Who is your best friend ?

11. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day ?
Call? pssh, I text Nett or Lacy or Mikey

12. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsmaid ?
My sister's.

13. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning ?
Let the dogs outside

14. First tattoo or piercing ?
First ond only piercings to date are my ears. I was 10 and then 18 when I did my cartiledge
first tat: the compass on my left foot

15. First celebrity crush ?
uhhhhhh, I don't remember

16. First crush ?
MICHAEL MURPHY. I still kind of crush on him

I Tag: NO