I don't understand people. I know that we are inherently selfish creatures. I also know that the world is a harsh place. I'm a little sad the last couple of days, and the universe is out of balance. Please, just remember that the actions the we, as individuals, take do effect other people. They can be devastating to those that we rarely think of.
I woke up the other day very, Very early. It was around 6 AM, and I could hear a slow toll of a church bell in the distance. It screamed at me to write something about it, but I've been too lazy. It's still bugging me to do so though, especially since yesterday.
I'm tired. My friend is the one making me tired. I am the voice of reason. How is that? I know I am not reasonable. I'm fucking crazy. How am I the LEAST crazy person in my universe lately? Damn
EDIT: I stopped being lazy and I wrote.
In the mists of the early morn
the sounds of a distant church bell rouse me.
I pretend to slumber still,
hoping that my make believe becomes reality.
The mournful toll holds a secret
that it whispers as it shouts,
and yet I cannot quite understand.
The news is instead later delivered
by the one we both love.
The world is suddenly a heavy place,
the weight of which I see on his shoulders.
I am a mirror of his pain.
Seeing the depth of his sadness
sends me into my own despair,
but it is only a pale, shallow reflection.
I almost hope he doesn't see it in me,
as it would only seem a trite imitation,
demeaning his sorrow.
It rings out slowly.
The peal tells the story,
but I'm too close to sleep to listen.
Secrets and pain smuggled on the breeze,
floating lightly.
That breeze gives a deep chill.
seek the light. Once they emerge from the dark, they turn and hide their eyes from the blinding glare.
It's been a trying day. That said, it has been beautiful outside. I twisted my ankle walking my dogs a few days ago. it doesn't hurt too badly, except when I am out walking for long periods of time. The dogs will live without a walk for a few days.
I'm more poor than I thought. I did my budget the other day, and it sent me into a depression. mostly kidding.
My heart is bleeding for other people today. Please just remember to love and allow yourself to be loved when the opportunity is presented.
I haven't forgotten you, Otakus!!
Holy crap, nothing is going on!! Really, all I have to report is that my home loan was declined and so we have to figure out something else about my house. and Blair is driving me CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY about planning her fucking wedding. I planned mine in 3 months and didn't bother anyone. Why the fuck does she have such a problem having opinions, making decisions and why the fuck does she have to bother me about it? Fuck.
My sister and nephews came to town and went to the zoo with me on Thursday and that was super great. I kind of super love those kids.
Working and sleeping. I have thought about writing something, but an totally uninspired. OH and GO KSU WILDCATS!!! into the Sweet 16, and KU is OUT!! Take that bitches!
It's been Travis Willingham week at my house, I guess. For some reason I watched the English version of FMA, Mushi Shi and GhostHunt. His voice is sexy. Whatever.
So, my mom is in the hospital this weekend. She has had unexplained high blood pressure. It's weird because her whole life whe has had BP that is almost too low, and her symptoms of tiredness and dizziness are those of low pressure. She's been seen by several people and no one has been able to figure it out. She seems fine to look at and hang out with her, but then they come and take her readings and it's all weird. It was supposed to be a 24 hour stay and it is turning into a 2 and a half day stay at least...
I start my new work shift today (sunday). I'll be working 1 to 9:45. what will I do all night getting off so early... weird.
I want something new to watch and am taking suggestions.
Much love Otakus.
Alright, so I woke up this morning and my hips and knees hurt enough that I didn't go to work. I am fat and I need to get some weight off! I just need to get my ass off the fucking couch. That's why I'm still here, sitting around blogging when I could be on my stationary bike. MOLLY IS LAZY. Oh God, and I'm going to be a bridemaid at some point this summer, and I don't want to be this big for that. Truthfully I want to secretly distract from the bride.
Random fact: Taking off 1 pound of body weight take 4 pounds of pressure off a person's knees. Thanks gravity.
Other than that, things are okay. work is bearable and I like my new supervisor. My house is a disaster and I may be getting sickish. tis the season...
Zombieland hits DVD Tuesday. It's lots of fun. I recommend it.