Well, here I am. People who know me love me whether they like it or not. It's a burden since I dislike most people. You can find My actual Life HERE. I have many fandoms, and many likes but I have yet to find passion in a past time. You are welcome as long as you behave.

I figure as long as STAN can live here, I can too. Here's round two.



Fictitious things

Molly Sick

No verbs. Just sick.

Alright, verbs it is. I'm am sick, and I feel awful. Hopefully now that I am all the way sick, maybe I can stop the general icky feeling I have all the time...

I went up to the monastery for New Year since it snowed on Christmas to where my sister's family and my brother's family were both snowed in. I dig spending time with my family, especially when there is plenty of room to be with or away from each other.

My dogs were so happy when I came home though. It was super crazy. I heart my puppies. Esther has a followup appointment on Friday. Her ears are looking better, but her hematoma is back, though not as large. She is starting to be awake in the morning hours, which I do not appreciate. When she's awake, she walks on my stomach to let me know. WAY unappreciated this morning. Demian also wants his 2/3 of the couch today, which I usually share with him, but the flu makes me selfish.

Welcome 2010, don't fucking suck!

to celebrate survival

I approve of the celebration of birthdays. To appreciate the fact that one has survived yet another year in the world is good. Can I please have a good day on my goddamn birthday... PLEASE?

I took my dog to my parents house on Christmas, where Esther did her best impression of a vacuum cleaner. she has then spent the last 3 days itching and shaking her head to the point where she has a hemotoma and her is is swollen to the size of a bratwurst. I, as a good parent, took her to the vet where I was handed an estimate of 538 dollars to completely fiz her issues. this included surgery and $200 of medications. rigoddamndiculolus. I almost burst into tears and had a panic attack right there. Jordan had said that he would pay for it, but that is a month's rent for christ's sake. We picked and chose what procedures and meds were absolutely necessary and widdled it down to $200.27. I went home and wept... I'm already overdrawn in my checking account. I will never make it as an adult. The world is conspiring against me.

I have gotten birthday wishes from many of you. Thank you all very much.

Christmas Day is Technically the First of the 12 Days of Christmas...

Christmas is rammed down our throats from Halloween to December 24th. Then about noon on Christmas we stop hearing about it until Halloween the next year. I don't talk religion or Church much, but in the Church year, it's Christmas until the Epiphany. Don't let the merchanidising madness kill the actual christmas season for you.

Don't let Christmas kill you either. Many of us find Christmas difficult, whether it be due to family squabbles or being married to an idiot. Find something that brings you joy, and take heart when someone cares enough to try and bring that joy to you, or at least cheer you up. It means they love you.

My birthday is Monday. I turn 29. I'm almost old, and I have 1 grey hair in my lovely ebony locks. I named it Jordan, as he is probably the cause of it.

Merry Christmas, Otakus!

Alright, one of my guilty pleasures

I love Robots With Stuff and the robots started the 12 days of christmas yesterday. I just wanted to share the happy goodness. Also, my annual happiness of Enin's Halloween post is finally up at his myO


Anytime I can't think of anything witty, I always just put "Titles are Required." It's a wonder it doesn't appear more often. I haven't been to work in a couple of days. I just didn't want to get out of bed and face the world. I think in the last 48 hours, I have slept maybe 22 of them.

I finally got my hair cut today. I just had it relayered and did some slide bangs. I really like it, but it's going to get on my nerves when the bangs are in my face. I see it coming.

So, other news, I'm trying to buy my house rather than get kicked out of it. In talks with my loans guy, and if Kyle moves in things will be awesome. He has a dog too, so us finding a place to RENT together with 3 dogs will be nearly immpossible.

Kyle is my best friend from college, and he's looking to move into the city to reduce his commute. if I can get this to work out, my life would be a lot simpler. An added bonus, Jordan hates him more than anyone else I know. A hilarious negative; I know that if we are in the same house, there will be rumors and probably even a betting pool as to how long it takes us to sleep together. I see it already, and I laugh about it. It didn't happen in the first 10 years, it ain't gonna happen now...

Esther is sleeping with her eyes open. It's creepy, they are rolling around, and doing REM. Sleeping should be with eyes closed!

I got some new meds from my doctor, and they seem to work, but my skin breaks out a lot more. No me gusta.

I've been watching and rewatching Star Trek, mostly cause I like it, but partially because I am too lazy to find anything else or change the DVD. The blooper reel is worth the cost of the DVD though. I leave you with my actual movie thought of the day: Jesse Eisenberg is a better Michael Cera than Michael Cera.