I'm dumb sometimes.

It's fucking two AM and I can't sleep a fucking wink. I caffeinated too late tonight. Normally it wouldn't matter, but I have to get up and drive in the morning and I feel pretty stupid about it. Oh well.

My stomach is also unhappy at my choice of McDonalds, which it should be. I am ashamed at how often McDonalds is a part of my diet... bleh.

I keep recommitting myself to start excercizing.... I just can't seem to get off my ass and my zoo walking buddy who is supposed to meet me at the zoo twice a week with her kid first went to England for a couple of weeks and now has pneumonia (the two not being related). Neither being good enough excuses not to go to the zoo with me, so I will never forgive her. I also asked another girl to do the same thing with me, but she's having surgery on her knee in a couple of weeks, so she's out too... grrrr

Uhm, so I'm whole-heartedly uncommited to work at this moment and I am pushing boundaries for what I can get away with as far as NOT working while I'm there. I've kind of caught a spring fever apathy bug the last few weeks. What can I say, I have been distracted.

It stormed like a bitch last night, hail but no tornados... I was hoping for a tornado.Damn near 28 years of life in Kansas, and I've never seen a tornado. I guess at midnight, I wouldn't be able to SEE it anyway...

They ate Sir Robin's minstrels,
and there was much rejoicing.

