to celebrate survival

I approve of the celebration of birthdays. To appreciate the fact that one has survived yet another year in the world is good. Can I please have a good day on my goddamn birthday... PLEASE?

I took my dog to my parents house on Christmas, where Esther did her best impression of a vacuum cleaner. she has then spent the last 3 days itching and shaking her head to the point where she has a hemotoma and her is is swollen to the size of a bratwurst. I, as a good parent, took her to the vet where I was handed an estimate of 538 dollars to completely fiz her issues. this included surgery and $200 of medications. rigoddamndiculolus. I almost burst into tears and had a panic attack right there. Jordan had said that he would pay for it, but that is a month's rent for christ's sake. We picked and chose what procedures and meds were absolutely necessary and widdled it down to $200.27. I went home and wept... I'm already overdrawn in my checking account. I will never make it as an adult. The world is conspiring against me.

I have gotten birthday wishes from many of you. Thank you all very much.
