Joss Whedon might be a god...

Joss Whedon directed last night's episode of GLEE. If you don't know who I am talking about, go right right now and never return. In honour of said event, tomorrow may be Joss Whedon Musical Day at Molly's house where Dr Horrible will meet the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode title "Once More With Feeling" Too bad Angel never had a musical episode. Neither did Dollhouse, I'm pretty sure. I might throw some Firefly on top of it just cause it's great.

Other than that, I've been watching the dance scene from last night's GLEE incesantly today, and work was almost more horrible than anything. I'm hungry but I have to wait until friday to eat because that is when I'll get some money. Wahoo!!

Joss Whedon >>>> most people.
