Demons Kidnap All the Best Ones.

I will freely admit, everyday of the week, that I am a Simon Pegg groupie. The man makes me laugh like few other people do, and he stole my zombie lovin' heart in Shaun of the Dead. It seems that Simon has run into some trouble of the supernatural kind. I'm sure it's viral marketing for something, but if you follow him or Nick Frost on Twitter, he's been talking about doors opening and closing and his dog going crazy at nothing. Now today both of them and Pegg's sister Katy all had the same tweet show up on their Twitter feeds. Είναι δικά μου τα παιδιά τώρα.Γιά εσένα έχουν χαθεί. Μην προσπαθήσεις να τα βρείς.

It's greek, and google has translated it a couple of different ways for me, the most fitting seeming to be "They are my children now. For you have lost. Do not try to find."

Demon, give me back my Simon Pegg. I'll go to hell and take you on myself to get him. I need his hilarity in my life!
