My eyes are watery and I'm sneezing like a sneezy thing.
I fell asleep around midnight last night. That's really early for me. My whole sleep pattern has been off for about a week. When I was in the mountains, my eyes were wide open at 6:30 AM. That's ridiculously early, and after that I was going to bed at like 11. that's normal person time and it doesn't suit me at all.
I had an awesome week. First to the mountains, then family reunion at my parents house. My family is amazing. When my friend sent me a text msg about halfway through the day asking to go to dinner and I reminded her that I was at my parent's house, she said she figured I was home because she can't be around her family that long. I chuckled. My family is frighteningly functional, and most of the time they are my favorite people to be around. I spent my time as the one who caused trouble and avoided my parnets and screamed at them and treated them badly. I grew out of it and I am not ashamed to say that I would skip any party for a family event. We're more fun.
One a completely different note, my kid's 5th birthday was saturday. Happy birthday, Luke.
And to end on a random happy thought, showers are amazing. It might be my favorite part of the day.