Last Day at Home...

I'm gonna warn you right now, there is no positivity in this post at all, and if you read it, it might eat your soul. That is all, carry on.

Today is the end of my time off for August... That means I will have to work tomorrow, and I am not looking forward to it. Why can't I get paid to stay home and be depressed on my couch. It's really my main talent...

I'm grumpy. I'm pretty sure it's partially due to PMS, but that just compounds my growliness. My friend sent me a text today that said "Hi". That was it. I responded about being grumpy and not knowing what I was going to do with my day.

Her response to that was, "Don't be grouchy. Think of my cute wedding photo. It makes me smile:) why are you grouchy."

Now, at first glance and to the untrained eye, it may look like she's trying to cheer me up. I'm sure she thinks that's what she thinks she's doing too, but when everytime I have a significant issue, he way of making me feel better is change the subject and try and make me not think about it, it infuriating. It's like my feelings are so disingenuine that distracting me will make them go away. That's why people drink, to make shit go away. I'm not so weak as to need to hide from my ugly feelings. It also makes me feel like she doesn't care enough to FUCKING LISTEN to me. she cares enough for me to be falsely happy.
