Technically, I'm an Asshole

I'm so tired. It's been an eventful couple of days. Wrote a song 'bout it. Wanna hear it? Here it goes: If you don't get the joke, you're too young. Look it up.

So, thank goodness that Way has an open ear, otherwise yesterday might have killed me. It was just one thing after another. My day started with Lucy excitedly waking me up, as usual. I let the dogs out and turn on the laptop. it's not even on two minutes when an IM pops up. Yes, I'm that popular. This particular IM was unexpected and shocked me. I seem to have inadvertently angered this person and was not expecting them to give me the time of day, let alone open conversation. It was not conversation they wanted to have. It was a soapbox to once again tell me how wrong I was. They were not out of hand or even angry sounding. I just sat there, read their concerns and basically asked why they were still talking to me. A difference of opinion can alter things when "morality" gets involved.

After that barrage, during which I mostly listened as I knew defending my position would only work me into a frenzy and not do anything to clear up the situation, I was rather annoyed, then Lucy got out of the yard. For the first time ever she didn't' come back when I called. She was 2 blocks away by the time I caught up to and found her. She came right to me at that point but grrr.

I paid bills, and I over paid one since I wasn't paying attention online and just as I was looking at that, my older brother called to see how things are going with the house. I fucking lost it. This house shit is robbing me of what little soul I have left. I hadn't paid the Oct Rent because it was supposed to be done, and that left him in dire straits. At that point, I hopped up and ran to the bank to deposit some cash for him.

Then came the tedious drive to work, then work itself. Fuck having a job, especially mine.

This morning Lucy woke me up around 8:30. I let them out and had plans to chat with someone this morning, but that didn't work out. So, just as I was going back to bed, there's a knock on my door. It's my older brother, here to help me get this shit about the house worked out. Nice to see you, bro. can I get a phone call next time. So, I spend 3 fucking hours with him doing house shit and it should be done this week. how often do we hear that?

So, I've been up since 8:30, I'm tired and I work til midnight. AWESOME. LET'S DO IT.
