I'm sneezy today

Rated M for vulgarity and Molly in general

Jesusfuck, I hate everything at this moment, and that all stems from ridiculous stupid people, whether I work with them, for them or they call in to where I work.

I'm evidently trying subconsciously to get fired. My boss yelled at me for being on a long call tonight. I muted my phone and around and yelled right back at him. After a bit of a biting exchange, he told me that I can't talk to him in that manner. Well, how about this manner, Kemm? Stop fucking just yelling that I need to wrap it up and find out what the fuck that actual issue is. Do you think I want to talk to these fucking morons for 37 goddamn minutes? Do you think I'm fucking oblivious to where I am or what I'm doing? No. I just want to do my shit and be left alone.

Jesusfuck, I want to set something on fire, but I'm just going to drink Bacardi instead.
