I've been marathoning 30Rock since my sister was here last weekend. I love this show. It's so funny. It's smart and witty and clever and irreverent. I am Liz Lemon... *sigh*
I've been having Really awful dreams lately. One of them was all about Jordan. He was everywhere I went, Him and his girlfriend. I tried to avoid them and it was like they were were following me just to taunt me or something. I somehow had a conversation with her and suddenly started a violent argument that degenerated until I woke up. It was really awful and it set a terrible tone for my whole day yesterday.
On the heels of that, I put a quote from a 30Rock ep on my facebook and he answered it with another. It's weird that's there's someone out there who knows me so well, that I get along with and want nothing to do with him. lol
Random things blurted:
Laz picks on Lucy too much.
Staring at my exercise bike is not the same as using it.
My joints hurt because the weather is changing.
I feel old.
Danny and Mike are coming over to paint tomorrow.
Danny is also bringing me money!