I miss playing CandyLand

It's 5 PM on Monday, and I'm so bored I almost wished I was working... I don't know what's up with me, but I've been waking up really early. It's very annoying when I get all my shit done early, and that leaves me all alone for the afternoon and evening.

I called my sister today, and poor Becky is sick as hell... I also tried to call the vet just on an off hope. Of course, they were closed for Labor Day, but I thought I'd try. He doesn't want to put weight on his left hind leg and he has these spots on his haunches that he is scratching bare. I need to take care of my baby dog. I'm also thinking of getting a new puppy as well, but what if I have to get a new place to live? Finding a place to rent when I have 3 dogs would be difficult. I already have 2 dogs that don't listen, do I need a third? No, but I WANT ONE. Maybe I'll just volunteer at the Humane Society.

I sat down and reevaluated my finances today. Being a single income household is a different experience. I'll be fine, but I'll have to tighten up on the impulse buys. Necessities first. Anyone moving to Kansas? I may want a roommate! I didn't figure in groceries or gasoline.... maybe I will really need to tighten my belt... Dollar Menu, Baby!

My plants are dying... I need a Horticulturist! Save them!

I really want to get a couple of tattoos, however, as mentioned in a previous paragraph, I am without the fundage. I want a compass on top of my left foot, one like on old style maps. I need to find some direction in my life. I also want XIII on my right foot, since I have no luck. a sun on the under side of my left wrist and a crescent moon on the underside of my right. I'm taking donations to the Molly Modification fund, Help Decorate the Molly!
