I do not long to dream

I thought of ten thousand things to write about today, and when I finally decided to write, I can't think of any of them.

I have lost my appetite these last few days. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or what. I look at food and it just sits there. I don't get it and I think I'm hungry!

I still am completely disoriented in the world lately. I've been running around like a madman these days, trying to work some overtime and be more social and just try and get back into being a person.

I've been having a lot of body pain lately. I really need an alignment ajustment. Either that or I might just go into traction... Might be fun.

Car is in the shop, just getting a little work. Suspension check, alignment. You know, minor stuff.

OH! is it not just weird what you think of just sitting around? I was watching the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" the other day. It's incredible, by the way. But there is a guy in the movie who plays a bit part in Singin' in the Rain. I know this matters to almost no one but me, but it randomly hit me and I felt the need to share. Shin will probably care.

Molly's random, scattered, unorganized thought of Le Chevalier d'Eon
It's nice to watch a bastardization of history that is not in real time. Oh, wait, too much. But really, it you don't care about historical facts it's great. I had to watch the last disc twice, just to make sure I got it in the end. It's very cryptic, and it's slow to reveal itself. It holds onto you. I am pretty sure I like it a lot, but I don't know for sure.

I do love the commentaries, though. They are very profane. I LIKE IT.

It has been a ridiculously mild winter. I miss the cold!
