Victor, Victoria!

I'm feeling lots better, but I'm still not 100 percent. I haven't been around much, so let's play catch up.

Vegas was pretty awesome and I had a great time with my sister. Poor blair was sickly the whole time we were there, so she was forgivably boring. However, if you go to Vegas just to sit at slot machines you should be slapped. If not physically, at least verbally. I lost like 400 bucks gambling and spent about 300 at a bar. Most of which was my drunken generocity to strangers. I barely remember a lot of my last night there, or the morning after. Luckily I stayed drunk and then slept through my whole hangover. Yay!

We got new schedules at work that started last sunday. I now work Sun through Thurs 1:15 to 10. it's only an hour and 45 min difference but it still feels like a huge adjustment. My body is telling me that I have beendoing too much too soon after having been an ugly kind of sick. I'm really sleepy, so I've just been sleeping, a lot.

Every night I think I'm going to wake up early and haul my ass to the zoo for walking, but it never happens... I'm pretty damn lazy.

I haven't heard anything from my brother about his job interview here in town, but I talked to his wife todays and they are thinking that at this point they may turn it down even if it's offered to him. It's running a summer educational program for the diocese of Wichita. Teenagers and college aged kids travel from parish to parish and give lessons and activities. It's a really fum and interesting program, but it starts in May. He wouldn't even have adequate time to prepare even if he were told tomorrow.

I watched the Oscars and found them refreshing and fast this year and thank God Kate Winslet has finally won an Oscar. I love her. My questions are 1) Where was Javier Bardem to present the best supporting actor award? and 2) WHY THE FUCK WASN'T HEATH LEDGER IN THE IN MEMORIAM FILM REEL?!?!?! That right, he wasn't there. Double-you Tee Eff, bitches? Natalie Portman's dress may have been my favorite of the night, and Jessica Biel's may have been my least favorite. Maybe Sophia Loren's was worse, but that's forgiveable, it's Sophia Loren...

I decided while I was at work the other day that I am going to move to a different country so I can be a crazy foreign lady. It's ethnocentric of me, I know, but meh.... So, interesting news about work. The comany I work for is not giving raises this year. From CEO on down, payroll has been frozen. that, by itself, is shitty news. However to accompany that some other things they are not doing: they are not cutting our benefits or raising what employees put in. They are not closing centers or laying people off. I appreciate that they are keeping my job. I'm just tired of people whining at work about not getting an extra ten or twenty-five cents an hour. You still have insurance, you still get quarterly bonuses and YOU STILL FREAKING HAVE A GODDAMN JOB! Shut the fuck up, you spoiled, whiney bitches.

Random Molly fact: Practical Magic might be my favorite ridiculous girl movie....
