Sleep over


Right after school I met Mai at her locker and picked up the bag that was on the ground next to her then held out my hand.

“What?” She questioned.

“Cell phone I answered simply.

She sighed and handed me her cell phone. I stuck it in my pocket then waited for her to finish packing her homework. When we were about half way to my house I put my hand in my pocket, got the battery out of her cell phone put the back back on it then took the phone out of my pocket and handed it over to her.

“Here.” I said.

“I thought I wasn’t allowed to have my phone.” She commented.

“Well I thought about it and figured that I’ll let you have it.” I smiled and she took her phone quickly out of my hand and stuck it in her pocket.

“So first I was thinking that we should do our homework, I’m just saying I really don’t feel like getting in trouble for not doing it.” I stated as we started walking up the hill I have of a drive way.

“And what are we going to do after that?” She asked.

I smirked and didn’t say anything “Oh don’t you wish you could read my mind right now?”

I could feel her glare at me and I just kept walking. We got to the house about three minuets later and I unlocked the door and let her go in first then followed. I set her bag in the hall and then went into the kitchen and got some of my homework out and started working on it. I looked up at Mai who was just kind of staring at me.

“You can do your homework anywhere I don’t mind if you’d rather do it in front of the T.V.” I stated and she walked into the dinning room then came back out a minuet later.

“Why won’t my phone turn on?” She asked.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out her battery “I just said you could have your phone back, I never said you could have the battery.”

She tried to grab it and I moved my hand away and put it back in my pocket. “Sorry Mai you’re mine for the night.”

She turned and went back into the dinning room. Then I went back to doing my homework.
