Obviously they have to say their real name the death line is something that someone else says that might provoke them to choose to die she liked hers at least she would be happy dying knowing someone thought she was beautiful she couldn’t figure out why she would choose to die though after someone said that although she knew who the voice belonged to, and it wouldn’t be long until she died. She opened up the file containing all the information she had to type the protection password to open it though and it got changed every day she opened up he little chat box and clicked the name Toronei he was Satu's co-worker he was the person in control of all the systems and he passed on information to Satu and herself “Toronei what's the new password? I hate doing this it’s such a drag”
“Kalea I told you this is necessary for the security of yourself and Satu, the password for today is DF63RV186” he had a raspy voice like he had been smoking all his life and it didn’t help that he was quite old at least in his 50’s
“nine letter code, great, you know, if I had a memory like a human I wouldn’t even remember the first 3 digits”
“well then” he said snappily “it’s a good thing you have the brain of an elf then isn’t it?” she couldn’t see him it was only a wire tap rigged up at either end but she could guess he looked angry, she had an image of his bushy grey eyebrows dancing angrily, a lot like a teacher she had in secondary school her science one, he was never happy unless he was talking about nuclear radiation.
I have reason to believe our suspect is hiding out in a secluded area in amongst the tree near Jumplake hills, I also believe she is hiding in the water, I don’t think she knows I have figured this out or that she is even under suspicion although she might have an inkling but nothing solid. She stopped typing this made sense but how could they figure out a way to trap her? They would have one attempt at this because if they didn’t it wrong Mink would know they were after her and she wouldn’t drop her guard.
”Perfect, seriously don’t worry about me, as long as you give my memory back after I’ll be fine” the only thought that Satu could think of was that Kalea must be very brave. “Is this really necessary? Why can’t you keep your memory? What if you kill people as well?” Satu was worried about her this made her happy because all the time he acted like he didn’t care about her was a lie. She grinned at him “sure don’t worry I’ll still know my mission and I’ll still remember you lot the only difference is that I’ll admire what Mink is doing but! We have to first figure out why she is killing these people”
”I think I know why” James said quietly and slightly darkly “I have done my research and about 5 months ago there was a campaign that you would have no way of knowing about because you were in England then but they wanted to cut down the big woodland area next to Jumplake hills and after telling me this is where she is hiding out obviously means that is her home, I think she is killing the people who agreed to cut down the woods and she feels she has no other choice but to kill the people who agreed, to stop them from chopping down her home, it makes sense” Kalea and Satu both nodded
”yeah that would make sense, also in that case she must be living with other Pizies” well now she had something to talk about with Mink and she could read her mind just to check.