Detective Novel Chapter 5

Hillary was a quiet reserved woman who was obviously a mothering person and Nate was the most interesting to watch, he sat by himself quietly drawing patterns in the dirt, making patterns with leaves and twigs or playing with the cuffs of his pyjamas which hadn’t been replaced since he had been kidnapped Kalea had spoken to him a few times but mostly she sat by herself watching people but she didn’t realise that when she was watching Mink, Nethal or Hillary, Nate was inspecting her intently. Kalea was a being a quiet person who just sat and watched people she didn’t need anything to occupy her mind because that’s where she lived, as long as she had her O.C’s in her mind life was fine and happy life was never boring if you could create your own world, stories and interesting characters who you can control but he knew this was an act ok the bit about living in her head was true but he knew she was acting she wasn’t a child I didn’t believe that for a moment he knew that the fake body was the child not the adult somehow she had tricked Mank into thinking that she was a child, which would be pretty easy as Mank was desperate for a family and Mank was an idiot who claimed to be clever but really was to hell bent on fulfilling her own desires than to realise the truth she didn’t want to admit that Kalea wasn’t a child because she thought that if she kept telling herself it was a lie then Kalea would really be a child honestly why would a young elf be on her own out here, Kalea seemed quite nice though she talked to him a few times but he was a bit to shy and he might have seemed a bit too gloomy for her and recently she had stopped trying to talk to him but in reality she did want to talk to him but she needed to spend all of her time watching Mink and keeping an eye out for any movement from people from the detective team.