Detective Novel Chapter 6

It’s further away and I can run faster than you” Mink nodded “good strategy ill be round to it after killing this lot to check, if you cant be trusted then ill hunt you down child” her tone became icy and her eyes narrowed, how could she talk about killing people so easily it was obviously something she did often, obviously, the evidence showed that “bye” was all Kalea said before running off in the direction of Acorn Avenue she knew it would take Mink roughly a minute to get to the house on Rocky Road, it was a road full of old rickety paving stones hence the name Rocky Road, after running half way to acorn avenue Kalea turned around she checked to see if mink was following her and luckily she must be too caught up in killing the other “family” Kalea ran over to Rocky Road and found the house that didn’t have a number it was called Kipper house, seriously who ever named it that must like fish, she sat outside for a bit and listened carefully Mink was inside with three other vampires, one being James there were Toruk and Victoria who were also inside James was in the other room waiting to give the message to Kalea there was a shriek and Kalea tuned into James’ mind
Your cue! Your cue! Well being blunt was James’ speciality. Kalea barged into the house it was a rather eerie scene, two vampires restraining a young girl with another vampire stood in front of her with his hand on her face she could see his fingers digging in and in the corner stood Satu he looked rather scared he obviously wasn’t the biggest fan of vampires. Kalea pushed James to one side and stood in front of Mink, they both looked at each other for a moment “Traitor!!” screamed Mink “you traitor! You said you believed me, you said you agreed with me, you said, you said that elves and Pizies should work together! You lied” she spat
“no” Kalea said quietly “I meant what I said, I agree that the people who wanted to cut down your home were wrong” she looked up angrily “but its even more wrong to kill those people for it, there are other ways to stop people other than killing them, you know this and you don’t need me to tell you this, you did it for fun that is something I cannot forgive” she paused and looked at the vampires, they all looked uncomfortable, shifting their weight from one foot to the other “well there's only one thing that can be done” she said icily “vampires do what you want with her” Minks face froze
“tha-that’s my, my death line” she started screaming
“NO! I CLAIRVIOU CHOOSE TO DIE!” they all stopped what they were doing and watched as the girl started fading until all that was left was a pile of soot and dirt they all looked at Kalea “you knew she would choose to die before the vampires would get her didn’t you?” Satu was stood in the corner Kalea nodded “yeah I figured, it’s a less painful death and even if its not she would rather have the unknown than something that’s said to be the most painful way to die” they frowned at her
“but she deserves a painful death look at all the people she killed” Victoria scowled at Kalea “I wont stoop to her level Victoria she deserved to die that’s all it doesn’t matter in which way, as long as she isn’t around to kill more people we should be safe” everyone was just stood there looking at each other “now what?” muttered James “this was nowhere near as good as I thought it was going to be I'm off, c’mon guys lets get outta here” all the vampires sauntered out the door one by one until it was only Satu, Kalea and a pile of dirt and soot left “should we sweep that up?” he asked timidly.