Kyaaaa! Friendship Day!!!!

Hi! Natisaku, here! :D

*Glances at calendar* w00t!!! It's . . .

FRIENDSHIP DAY!!!!!! *does the conga* A da da da da da DA! A da da da da da DA! In case you didn't know, I was trying to do the tune for the conga . . . *coughs*.

Friendship Day is mega important! It's a day we can tell our friends how much we care for them. Friends are special peoples that you can always count on. They are there for you when you're sad, happy, mad, or depressed. True friends are like diamonds. Lemme share a poem with you (I didn't write it; I saw it on a plate ;P):

True Friends are like diamonds precious but rare.
False friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere.

I thought that poem was sweet and true. I mean, I guess the last part is a little gloomy, but we're all true friends here! :D

Celebrate Friendship Day with me here today! *Dances and drink coke*

Imouto Chan, I'd like to thank you for letting me have a guest post on your site. And thank you for letting me join in on the fun on Friendship Day! You're a great friend Imouto Chan! :D

*Saku Chan
