PARTY LYKE IT'S A PARTY :D : How to Get Started.

Hey guys :D
It's Friendship Day (as if I haven't stated that enough). And that means there's a partay (which I have said multiple times).

And we have Good Friend natisaku aka Saku Chan livin' the day up!

So if you want to participate in the party and help out, here's the instructions:

1) First of all, you're going to want to make sure you've read the rules in the intro. Wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot ;) And besides, they're short and simple (and the first two mean practically the same thing).

2) Then if don't have a guest poster status, you should totally ask for one ^^ Remember, I'm not turning anyone away for a GP so don't be shy! This here is an invitation to meet new people and have fun.

3) Once I have given you a GP, feel free to post pictures, poems, cards, wallpapers, or comic strips dealing with friendship. Just be sure to mention copyrights. If it isn't yours, don't say it is.

4) Invent a game~ I know last year we had a good fellow otaku post multiple pictures of Bleach themed dogs and we all had to guess who they dogs were. It was truly fun, and it kept the party interesting. So if you want to be the event of the season, maybe creating a game is something you'd like to try?

5) You can also find apropriate youtube videos to post. If the video has some language in it, or something a 13 year old shouldn't see, you need to be sure to say something. For example:

I love this video! The song is from one of my fave bands and the pictures are from This n' That anime! It has some language in it though, viewer's decrection is wise.

6) And most of all, just have fun. It's party!

Imouto Chan~
