Let's Get This Party Started! SECRET FRIENDS.

I have an idea for this year's party!

I want to do something so crazy, so insane, so supercalifragilisticexpiallidocious (yeah, I went there) that you otakus wouldn't even know what to do with yourselves >.<

I want.... A Secret Friend.

You're prolly wondering "What the Heck is a Secret Friend, Imouto? Have you lost your mind?!?"

Maybe I have lost my mind. BUT that's besides the point. The point is, I'm going to tell you about my idea and I want your feedback.

A Secret Friend: How to Do it.

A Secret Friend, put simply is similar to that of a Secret Santa. It's not Cristmas, so you can't be a Santa. Sorry. BUT You can be a secret friend.

Basically, what I'll do is select random pairings and then send out PM's to the members and let them know who they need to dedicate something to.

You can dedicate an ecard, a pic, a comic, a poem (nothing crazy though) or wallpaper to your little Friend.

It will only work out if people volunteer, though. So if this seems like something you can and want to do, just comment below. Remember, we can only work this out if enough people join.

Imouto Chan~
