Friendship . . .

Hey, Natisaku here! Sorry I wasn't on here for the past few days. I've been really, really busy. But, I hope you had an amazing Friendship Day!

QueenB1 won the last 'What's That Anime' Pic!!!! WoooooHoooo!!! Great job, Queen!!! :D

School's coming up! I hope that I'm allowed to talk about school. In the rules in the intro it says not to talk about depressing things . . .

Hehe. I kid. :p But, anyway, school starts for me and imouto chan on the 12th of August. That's next week. I picked up my books at my high school yesterday. I'm surprised that for an advanced school, I only have 4 hard-back books and a few small soft-back. *0* Shocker, eh? ;D

Anyway, once again, I hope you all had a super Friendship Day with friends and/or family!!

Have a great day!!! :D

*Saku Chan
