Happ-eh Friendz Day :]

M'kay, I've been working on a friendship poem for you all, but it's not exactly finished...
So I'll just talk for now.

I just wrote this whole loverly paragraph and erased it all.
Coz all that mushy rambling is unnecessary >.>
Just take my word for it, you all mean the world to me. I hardly know any of you but I already care for you guyz like best friends.
We can all be b****y, moody or whine a lot, but you guyz are like strong rays of light. No matter the distance, you're great personality reaches everybody, you've reached me for sure. My life's been effected by your presence on theO and I'm truley inspired. To be a better person and happier, coz seriously, UR ALL SO FRIGGIN NICE
I don't even know youz, but I've seen some o' u around and I always see smiles 'n laughs...
You guyz are truley awesome
Love u all :]

and that was even longer than the last paragraph >_____>;

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