This world is dedicated to my OC's. It's mostly for my benefit, so that I can keep them all straight, but it also serves as references for other people...

^^Thanks to Nino Umaka for the lovely picture of my Main OCS :)
WARNING: If you draw a picture of my OC's, they may end up here. Ye've been warned ;D
Table of contents/characters...:
J. Silver Crew of Pirates (Main OC Group)-
Sub group from same story:
Other Group (Secondary Main OCs with no creative group title yet...)-
Sub group from same story:
[Master Yorn][Jarwx][Peter][Amelia]
Mystery Group-
Role Playing Characters-
[Renylindus][Needle][Sexy][Korean][Barbara][Gemma][Headmistress Jaq][Rafael]
Demon Twin Group-
Completely unrelated Characters-
[Sting Ray][Juliet][Zachary][Arms][Shades][Smokey]
[New Years Day][Valentine's Day][Leap Year][April Fools Day][Easter][Mothers Day][St. Patty's day][Fathers Day][MLK Day][International Talk Like a Pirate Day][Thanksgiving][Black Friday][Halloween][Hanukkah][Christmas][Christmas Eve][New Years Eve]
Ocs from my childhood...-
Group 1 - reused for Nanowrimo 2012:
[James][Wendell][Tanya][Wit][Wraith][Vynn][Kaine][Unnamed Bad Guy]
Group 2:
Group 3:
Personas/Media OC's:
Pokemon: [Pokemon Trainer][Bulbasaur Gijinka][Entei Gijinka][Twinkles]
My Little Pony: [Lucius][Featherfoot]
Someone draw me a decent picture of a parrot.....
Name: George
Breed: Parrot
Appearance: Mostly red, some yellow and green (Maybe blue, IDK what parrots look like..) feathers.... beak.
Personality: Fairly obedient to Ron, rather friendly. Unlike normal parrots who simply repeat things they hear, George has a will and mind of his own, and so seems more human that other parrots. Despite being owned by Ron, he spends most of his time with Joe and his personality resembles that of his good friend.
Background: Unsure, ron probably stole him from somewhere or another.

She's not really a neko, but the only other pic I've drawn of her is old and dumb. xD
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
B-day: Unknown
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: naturally brown, but dyed blue green and teal
Eyes: Pink in the center, and gradually darkening to an orange salmon color
Clothes: Wears what people dress her in, doesn't pick her own style
Other Physical Characteristics: Scars, scrapes and bruises similar to those by people who are in abusive homes.
Flaws: Bad memory, disobediant
Fears: Blood, people, pain, doctors, hospitals, police, getting abducted
Personality: Cautious of everything, but also curious about everything
Speaking Pattern: Slow with many pauses, she doesn't say anything unless she knows exactly what words to use.
~Food: Grape Koolaid
~Activities: Looking in the mirror
Background: She witnessed a murder, and the killer spotted her. He attempted to kill her also with a sharp blow to the head and dumped her in a ditch on the side of the road. However, the blow wasn't quite hard enough, and she lived, however she completely lost her memories. She crawled out of the ditch and was found by Brandon, who took her to the hospital and took care of her once she was released.
Random other info:
~11th grade English project that I never finished, but plan to someday. xD
So, I've been working on this world for about 5 months, and made very little progress, but now I only have 20 more days until I'm gonna have to go for a year and a half without the internet. My goal is to get at least a rough draft of all my characters posted before that time... Sorry if I spam you with updates, but I've got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. :) Ta~

Name: Christmas (Often called Chrissy for short)
Age: --
B-day: December 25
Height: 5'8
Weight: 147 lbs
Hair: Brown, with abnormal blonde streak. Long, often worn in a ponytail.
Eyes: Green
Clothes: Festive, Christmas colors, outrageous and abnormal.
Other Physical Characteristics:
Flaws: Unable to decipher social hints that she is going overboard on something.
Fears: Being replaced.
Skills: Decorating. spreading "cheer"
Personality: Peppy, exhuberant. Overgoing, enthusiastic. Happy to help in any situation. Festive.
Speaking Pattern: Uses christmasy terms, and cliches often. Ex: when someone is showing off she might say, "Well, that's very rudolph of you." or "I think your nose is a little too bright today." When asked how she is feeling, she would commonly respond with "Jingly!" or "Merry!"
Themesong: *Insert Christmas Song here*
~Color: Red, green and white!~
~Food: Gingerbread, Peppermint, Eggnog.
~Activities: Decorating, planning parties and events.
~Holiday: Take a wild guess!~
~Toothpaste: Peppermint.
Background: All of the Holidaze characters were chosen before their birth as guardians of each respective Holiday. Currently in this story, they are attending a magical school where they learn their powers and abilities.
Occupation: Holiday Guardian.
Weapons: Staff Sized Candy Cane.
Random other info:
If you asked questions.
Seriously, my most developed characters are one's that I have role played with. Ones that I pretend to be for a little bit, and just get to know (Nino is great at random roleplaying ;D) But I don't have time to get all intense with storylines and such right now, so if you could just ask my characters questions, and let them answer, that would help me tremendously. (And I would love you forever. Someone else made a whole blog dedicated to asking their characters questions (I don't remember who, but I thought it was cool...) but again, I don't have that kinda time, so just ask here. Mmmmk?
If you come up with a really clever question I may even draw a response instead of just typing it.