More pics? [the chick in the back]
Name: Needle
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Dark Brown and Black Dreadlocks, a few have beads or coins at the end.
Eyes: Brown
Clothes: Punkish, Gangsta/City Life. Shirts usually show off her stomach (She is very proud of her belly button ring and has a fabulous story about how it saved her life once...), short short, netting (Or clothes with holes), hoodies, leather, boots, ect. LOTS of piercings, and mostly gothic style jewelry.
Other Physical Characteristics: Brown Skin, Several tattoos- I don't have the specifics planned yet. She had a very lovely flower on the back of her right hand, but it got burned, leaving a colorful, yet unsightly scar, so she often wears a glove on that hand.
Flaws: Burns, scars, impulsive, un-friendly, kleptomaniac
Fears: Jaguars, being found by the popo. (<-That's how cool people say police)
Skills: Tatooing, piercing, running in high heels, Persuasion, Cooking Ramen, Basic Medical skills- disinfecting, bandaging ect. Lockingpicking, Bartering, Pick pocketing, art
Personality: Compasionate, Flamboyant/Flashy, composed, complicated
Speaking Pattern:
~Color: Black
~Food: Ramen
~Activities: Adventure
Background: Abused and Abandoned as a child, got adopted by a single mother, but was still never treated very well so she ran away at age 16. Dropped out of high-school, so she learns from experience. She feels a lot of compassion for young girls in rough situations, and will often lend out the spare room in her appartment to them. she doesn't really have any motives in life. Just goes with the flow and does whatever she feels like.
~Mark "Xen1thla5er5t0rm": A cougar-phobic overwheight role-playing nerd who went on Needle's first gun for hire adventure with her. They beame very close, and Needle tatood a giant butterfly across his face. He ended up dying (And dramatically in his last move, his arm fell to the ground, and his favorite dice rolled from his hand... *Too cheesy for me to have invented*) and Needle kept the dice to remember him by. She always keeps it with her.
Occupation: Drug-Dealer, Tatoo/pierce artist, conwoman, Gun for hire
Weapons: "Multi-purpose tool", Stun gun, and other (Varies dependand on time and situation, often stolen)
Random other info:
~Doesn't know how to swim
~Despite occupation as a drug dealer, she doesn't do them herself.

More Pics? [the girl on the floor]
Name: Amelia
Age: 19ish?
B-day: N/A to earth time.
Hair: Side swept bangs, upper thigh length, brown. Style varies.
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: Two styles-
(1) Typical Princess Style: Dresses, pastel colors, up-dos in hair. Crowns, jewelry, ect.
(2) Steampunk Trollop: sluttly, leather, gears, goggles, boots, ect. Blakcs and Browns.
Other Physical Characteristics:
Flaws: inelegant, fail princess.
Skills: Zombie Slaying, Robot Killing, Tea Pouring...
Personality: Bad A--. She doesn't want to be a princess, and kind of fails in all her royal tasks, she has little dignity, but everyone loves her.
Speaking Pattern: Kind of like Sailor Moon right before a battle, but with a few more swear words.
Themesong: "She's a steampunk warrior PRINNNNCESSSSS. Yeah!~" <-- I just wrote that for you, are you proud?
~Color: I want to say brown...
~Food: Tea and pastries
~Activities: Killing zombies, being awesome.
~Holiday: N/A to earth holidays
~Toothpaste: They only have one flavor their, and it taste like ashes.
Background: She is a fictional character created by Adam. In his world, she is a very popular comic book character, who is also featured in several video games and movies. Her background story changes depending on the video game series (Like it does with all this that get popular ex: Spiderman)
Relationships: Again, varies depending on the series.
Occupation: Steampunk Warrior Princess
Weapons: Two endless ammo guns, and anything that can be made into a weapon in a split second.
Random other info:
~ I was actually just doodling a random chick wearing steampunk one day, and a girl who I worked with saw it and thought it was sexy. She said that if I made her some clothes like that she would wear them, and she asked me if it was one of my characters. I told her no, and she said it should be, so I decided to let her be one of my character's characters. Just for fun... I also named her after that girl. :)
~She is also Adam's imaginary friend, he talks to her, and gets advice from her. Sometimes he forgets that he invented her. #Knowthatfeelbro.

Drawn by my good friend Heather. :)
Name: Alison, but better known by her alias "Phantom Thief A"
Age: 19
Weight: 160 ish? (Again, I'm bad with weights) She's heavier than a lot of girls, but she's got more muscle than she does fat, she's very active, and that's what contributed to this.
Hair: Straight, about waist length in back, just past her bust in front, no bangs, center part. Blonde.
Eyes: Blue.
Clothes: Easy to move in. Yoga pants or jeans, T-shirts. Overly often wears her favorite black hoodie, and her favorite black beanie, which reads SKAT in big white letters. It used to say SKATE, but the E fell off.
Other Physical Characteristics: Nice Abs, though you wouldn't often see them, rather flat chested for a girl of her age and build.
Flaws: Kleptomaniac.
Skills: Thievery, framing others for her thievery, blackmail, lock picking, acrobatics, cross dressing/disguising.
Personality: As Alison, she's rather shy. She doesn't have many friends, and seems to be quite anti-social, but as "A" She's very daring and bold. She'll basically waltz into a store, tell them they are being robbed, rob them, and then spring back out. She works well with others, and she only steals for fun.
Speaking Pattern: Nothing Special. Mild local accent similar to one you might find in a large US city such as New York, but it's so slight it's hardly noticable.
~Color: Red
~Activities: Thieving, video games, "Shopping" (Different from thieving. She still steals stuff when she goes shopping, but she doesn't plan it out, and doesn't always leave a phantom note.)
Background: Grew up in a wealthy family. Parents are divorced, lives with father who remarried.
~Adam: Brother and best friend. She is the only one to know his secret occupation, and he is the only on to know hers.
~Toshi:Her partner in crime, and often the man she frames when a evidence get's left behind. As "A" who society sees as a man, they are only really good friends, but as Alison, she basically stalks him. She is madly in love with him, but he is brainless and unable to make the connection.
~Peter: Younger half brother, often ignored.
Occupation: Phantom Thief.
Weapons: Pocket knife.
Random other info:

I really have no good pics of just him... :P Someday I will... maybe...
Name: Adam (He had a last name... I just can't remember what it was xD Lol see why I need to make this world?)
Age: 15 or 16
Height: 5'2" He's pretty short....
Weight: Uhhh? Pretty slim? Idk, like 105 lbs?
Hair: Strawberry blonde
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: He generally wears just jeans and a t-shirt, but he also really like jewelry. He wears rings, bracelets, and necklaces...
Other Physical Characteristics:
Fears: Butterflies
Skills: Sewing, Video Games, Salesmanship
Personality: He's kind of a reserved person. He doesn't go out of his way to get noticed, but he always takes time to notice others. He's calm, and collected, and people like to confide in him. He knows a lot of people's secrets, and he keeps them. He's also very good at keeping his own.
Speaking Pattern: Depends who he is talking to, he changes to meet the needs of the conversation. In a professional conversation, he is calm, speaks with an even, but non-monotone voice. When speaking to a cute girl, he falters a little and says things that make him seem pretty stupid.
~Color: Magenta
~Activities: Video Games,
Background: He has grown up in a very wealthy family. His parents are divorced. He lives with his father who is remarried and has another child.
~Alison: His sister, confidant, and best friend
~Cassie: They definately have a relationship, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. They could be love interests, but they may also just be really good friends....
~Toshi: Friends
~Amelia: His dream girl, his obsession, and also... a fictional character...
Known occupation: He works in a video game/ comic book store in the mall
Dream Job: Fashion designer
Unknown occupation: It's unknown -_____- but if you really want to know, he's a famous artist/author who created the "Amelia" series...
Random other info:
So, as you know, I've been working on making character portfolios.
As you may have noticed, they take quite a bit of time.
But I really wanna just get some reference pics up, so I'm gonna do a quick photo-spam, and then later go in and fill out the profiles with actual info and such :) Hope I don't bother you too much....