This world is dedicated to my OC's. It's mostly for my benefit, so that I can keep them all straight, but it also serves as references for other people...

^^Thanks to Nino Umaka for the lovely picture of my Main OCS :)
WARNING: If you draw a picture of my OC's, they may end up here. Ye've been warned ;D
Table of contents/characters...:
J. Silver Crew of Pirates (Main OC Group)-
Sub group from same story:
Other Group (Secondary Main OCs with no creative group title yet...)-
Sub group from same story:
[Master Yorn][Jarwx][Peter][Amelia]
Mystery Group-
Role Playing Characters-
[Renylindus][Needle][Sexy][Korean][Barbara][Gemma][Headmistress Jaq][Rafael]
Demon Twin Group-
Completely unrelated Characters-
[Sting Ray][Juliet][Zachary][Arms][Shades][Smokey]
[New Years Day][Valentine's Day][Leap Year][April Fools Day][Easter][Mothers Day][St. Patty's day][Fathers Day][MLK Day][International Talk Like a Pirate Day][Thanksgiving][Black Friday][Halloween][Hanukkah][Christmas][Christmas Eve][New Years Eve]
Ocs from my childhood...-
Group 1 - reused for Nanowrimo 2012:
[James][Wendell][Tanya][Wit][Wraith][Vynn][Kaine][Unnamed Bad Guy]
Group 2:
Group 3:
Personas/Media OC's:
Pokemon: [Pokemon Trainer][Bulbasaur Gijinka][Entei Gijinka][Twinkles]
My Little Pony: [Lucius][Featherfoot]

Pic drawn by my friend Zenny
More Pictures? [here's one...][And then there's this...]
Name: Cassie Harumi
Age: 14
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110
Hair: Long, dirty blond/light brown-ish, really wavy.
Eyes: Dark Green
Clothes: She dresses like she is stuck in the 80s. She LOVES mini-skirts Roy Mustang would be so proud, leg-warmers, bright colors, stripes, and large obnoxious jewelry.
Other Physical Characteristics: She's fairly flat chested (she is only 14...), but she has long smooth legs that men of all ages love to see... Perverted freaks
Flaws: Vain
Personality: She's the "popular" kind of girl. She's really perky and outgoing, but sh'e also really nice. EVERYONE wants to be her friend. She's a "preppy" I don't know if that term is still used?
Speaking Pattern: Her speech matches her personality. She uses common teenage talk. txt speech lol. She also abuses the word "like"
~Color: Anything NEON
~Food: Tofu-dogs (like hot-dogs, only so much worse. :P)
~Activities: TXTING, Shopping, Chillin with her BFFs at the mall, beach, or park.
Background:Cassie has always gotten everything she has always wanted. Both of her parents were doctors, so they were pretty wealthy. One year, she decided she wanted a japanese older brother for her brithday, so her parents went and got her one. Unfortunately, on the taxi ride home, they got in a car crash and they both died. She and the boy were both sent to an orphanage, and they felt instantly connected to each other. Even though it wasn't legal, they adopted themselves to each other and became siblings. When adopters wanted to separate them, they ran away and have been living on their own ever since.
~Toshi: Her older adopted brother
~Adam: They definately have a relationship, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. They could be love interests, but they may also just be really good friends....
~Alison: Friend
~Various Generic Teenage Females: Friends
~Master Yorn: She dislikes him because he always takes her Toshi away, but at the same time she likes him because he always brings her stuff.
~Jarwx: her brother's cat, she usually takes care of him.
Occupation: Hot Dog/Tofu dog vendor in the mall. She wears a red, yellow, and blue stripped uniform.
Random other info:
~She would be in 8th grade, but she doesn't go to school. (legal stuff and all that, she claims to be home-schooled)
~Co-created by my friend Ray Ray for an English project in 8th grade.However, Ray wanted Cassie and Satoshi to be BF/GF, but I wanted them to be siblings, so we both wrote our own stories and let the class pick. Guess who won? ME!
~She LOVES blondes
~She is a vegitarian
~She knows Karate, but doesn't do it very often due to her mini-skirt-ness..
ANY QUESTIONS? Feel free to ask her. :)
*I'm tired and this portfolio is really undeveloped right now, I'll come back to it later.
*le gasp!* It's a pet portfolio! :D

Another picture from Nino.... :P
Name: Jarwx
Owner: Satoshi Harumi
Breed: Cat
Appearance: Short fur, Pure Black (Or dark grey?) with yellowish green eyes.
Personality: Slightly demonic. He's very mean, and dislikes a lot of attention. He hates Satoshi and Joe, but doesn't mind most other people unless they try to get him to "play."
Background: Toshi found him in a bush one day, put a collar on him, and brought him home.
Other random info:
ITS DONE!~ Pet profiles are so much shorter than regular ones. -w-

I didn't like having my background be the same as the picture in my introduction, so I made my own. XD I used my main OCs... maybe someday I will be creative enough to do something with all my OCs, but... yeah.
I usedThis random face maker that I found online when I was looking for something completely different... 
Rather enjoyable use of my time. :D
Have a great day! <3
P.S. just so you know who they are....
Row 1: Nitemare, Adam, Alison
Row 2: Luan, Meona, Toshi
Row 3: Ron, Joe, Cassie
all the girls face that way >__>
all the boys face that way <__<
That happened by accident. XD

Other pics?[Pimping with some females][2009][lame chibi]Lamer chibi[more old crap][I need to draw more/better pics...]
Name: Satoshi Harumi (Toshi for short)
Age: 17
B-day: **Summer??**
Height: 6'2" (He's so tall, but I never draw him that way :)
Weight: 150??? (IDK, he's pretty skinny...)
Hair: Black (Slightly purple in the right light) Naturally spiky.
Eyes: Dark Green.
Clothes: Typically black. Emo/punk/rockstar, wears chains, and purple accessories. Long sleeve shirts.
Other Physical Characteristics:
Flaws: Doesn't quite see eye to eye with the law...
Fears: Planes, Cars, Trains, basically anything with an engine.
Skills: Karate, Climbing, other physical stuff that ninja-y people do
Personality:He is perceived to be rather unintelligent, and people think he doesn't understand them, but really he does. He's really goofy, and jokes around a lot. He tries really hard to make people happy, and is a great older-brother type person. He gets along really well with children, but not very well with animals. He's sweet, and overly romantic. Romantic enough that it's considered creepy. He will hit on any girl, but he often picks one out to focus on. he will stalk her for days on end, and sneak into her house at night to fill her room with roses...
However, occasionally he has moody days, where he will overly use sarcasm and be quite rude to everyone, besides his sister, whom he always loves dearly.
Speaking Pattern: Mild Asian accent, and has a tenancy to speak in Japanese when he is tired, or upset, but other than that nothing special.
~Food: Spaghetti, but with no sauce
~Activities: Martial Arts, Chilling in Trees, Stalking hot girls, Playing with Jarwx
~Toothpaste: Mint
Background: Toshi was orphaned is Japan at age 3, and was put in a small orphanage behind a bakery with a leaky roof. It wasn't a very wealthy orphanage, and nearly no one who went there got adopted. The owner of the orphanage trained the kids at a young age to steal, so they could afford to keep the place running. One day, Toshi was trying to steal a pouch of the belt of a monk, but the monk caught him by the wrist. Satoshi tried fighting his way away, but the monk was too strong. The monk promised not to turn him in, if Satoshi would accept him as his master, and let him teach him all things. Satoshi agreed. The first thing the monk taught him was to speak English. A few years later, when Toshi was 7, almost 8, a couple came to his village looking to adopt a son around his age. They chose to take him because he was the only one who spoke English. They brought him back to America, and had got in a taxi to go home, when suddenly they got in a car crash. His new parents and the cab driver were killed, leaving only Toshi alive. He was then taken to an American Orphanage along with the daughter of the couple. Satoshi adopted her as his sister, and vowed never to let bad things happen to her. But, somebody wanted to adopt her. She said she wouldn't leave without her brother, but they only wanted a girl, so, of course her and Toshi ran away, and moved into an old abandoned apartment. Toshi has continued stealing for a living to make life as comfortable as possible for Cassie.
~Cassie: his adopted sister. He's devoted his life to making hers better.
~Jarwx: His cat. Toshi LOVES him... the feelings are not returned.
~A: His partner in crime, and best friend, however, Toshi doesn't know as much about A as A knows about him...
~Alison: He thinks she's cute, he flirts with her all the time, but doesn't notice how much she enjoys it.
~Joe: His long distance friend, of sorts, their relationship screws with time paradoxes, and other worldly travels and crap like that. -___- It's complicated...
~Master Yorn: His master, taught him basically everything he knows, and shows up from time to time demanding satoshi's help with something. Toshi always obeys.
~Ron: Toshi considers her to be an ex-girlfriend, because he was romanticaly interested in her... she often forgets he even exists.
~Tara: (Nino's OC)He REALLY liked her...
Occupation: Thief
Random other info:
~Co-created with my friend RAY RAY for an English Project... it was actually really fun...
~Travels through different worlds/times with his Master who is kinda like a time lord, but not really...
~Once accidentally died his hair purple
I think I wrote more here than on any others. :P but it will still be edited later, just because. :P

This is a fairly old picture..... But not the oldest! XD
She drew this picture for Joe. It has all my crew, and her OC Ryan