This world is dedicated to my OC's. It's mostly for my benefit, so that I can keep them all straight, but it also serves as references for other people...

^^Thanks to Nino Umaka for the lovely picture of my Main OCS :)
WARNING: If you draw a picture of my OC's, they may end up here. Ye've been warned ;D
Table of contents/characters...:
J. Silver Crew of Pirates (Main OC Group)-
Sub group from same story:
Other Group (Secondary Main OCs with no creative group title yet...)-
Sub group from same story:
[Master Yorn][Jarwx][Peter][Amelia]
Mystery Group-
Role Playing Characters-
[Renylindus][Needle][Sexy][Korean][Barbara][Gemma][Headmistress Jaq][Rafael]
Demon Twin Group-
Completely unrelated Characters-
[Sting Ray][Juliet][Zachary][Arms][Shades][Smokey]
[New Years Day][Valentine's Day][Leap Year][April Fools Day][Easter][Mothers Day][St. Patty's day][Fathers Day][MLK Day][International Talk Like a Pirate Day][Thanksgiving][Black Friday][Halloween][Hanukkah][Christmas][Christmas Eve][New Years Eve]
Ocs from my childhood...-
Group 1 - reused for Nanowrimo 2012:
[James][Wendell][Tanya][Wit][Wraith][Vynn][Kaine][Unnamed Bad Guy]
Group 2:
Group 3:
Personas/Media OC's:
Pokemon: [Pokemon Trainer][Bulbasaur Gijinka][Entei Gijinka][Twinkles]
My Little Pony: [Lucius][Featherfoot]
Title says it all.

Another of Meona
And it's a good thing she does too, or else all you would get to see are lousy pictures that I draw, or..... you would get to see her pics, and then she would kill me.... But as it is, I'm going to add a few pics of my OCs by other people, and the first one is by Nino Umaka! My best friend in the real life world. :)

This is Meona :)
PS Nino, I couldn't find these in your gallery, that's why you are getting special notice on this page, and there will be more over time. :) I'm not trying to be evil... I just like to show off how awesome you are!~ <3

Other Pics?
[With Luan] [Super old fail picture :<] [Same fail pic, but draw by someone much more awesome thus making it less of a fail. XD][Awesome Pic by Nino][By Sabriela Hellena :)]
Name: Meona Sirel
Age: 17-19
Height: 5'8" ISH??
Weight: 130??? (I am bad at height/weight, so I'm not sure. :P)
Hair: Naturally Brown, dyed blue, kept short and spunky
Eyes: Naturally Brown, purple contacts
Clothes: WILL wear literally ANYTHING, but for just chillin, or combat, she generally will wear shorts and a tanktop.
Other Physical Characteristics: Has a heart Tatoo on her hip. It says "Meona and..." She's waiting for the perfect person to finish her tatoo. She has a naturally pretty face and has no need for makeup.
Flaws: Easily obsessive, CANNOT tell whether a guy likes her or not
Skills: Painting
Personality: Super friendly! She's basically the opposite of Ron. Most people like her, she is a good listener, and is always willing to have fun with you.
Speaking Pattern: Normal teenage girl, but with less of the annoying "Likes" and "lols"... or whatever...
Themesong: ****If you think of one let me know****
~Color: Orange
~Food: Pork Chops, Bacon, Ham.... Anything that came from a dead pig.
~Activities: Painting, Swimming, Making Friends, Playing Cards
Background: Basically the same as snow white, only cooler, because I thought of it first... Her mother died at a young age, and she grew up with her very wealthy father. Her father remarried, and the wife was jealous of Meona's beauty, so she tried to sabotage her in her sleep, but Meona ran away. She met Ron, and gave up her life of leisure, for that of a pirate...
~Ryan: Love interest, DOES NOT return feelings
~Luan: Love Interest, strongly returns feelings
~Joe: Good Friend
~Ron: Best Friend
Occupation: Pirate First mate.
Weapons: Giant Magical Growing/Shrinking Frying pan.
Random other info:
~She cheats at cards
~I wish I were her
ANY QUESTIONS? Feel free to ask her! She's really friendly, and will let you know anything... Probably even her secrets. XD
*Missing info to be added later. This post WILL be edited in the future :D*

Other pics? [fail by me][less fail by nino][ron and the others by nino :)][Ron and Meona][Large mesh of OCs][the crew][another crew pic][one with good coloring][By SayanaChan][Chick with the Drink][Old with Joe][Sketch by Nino]
Name: Ronylin Aye Takami (Ron for short)
Age: 15-18 over the course of time...
B-day: April 20th
Height:5'6" ish?
Weight: 130?
Hair: Light Brown, worn in a ponytail
Eyes: Emerald Green
Clothes: Typical female pirate attire. Loose blouse, corset, boots, ect.
Other Physical Characteristics: She has a dragon tattoo on her back, but I never draw it because I am not that skilled.... -____-
Flaws: Narcolepsy (she also drools when she sleeps sometimes), Anger issues, Unfriendly
Skills: Fighting
Personality: She's a mean person, she is controlling, and honestly doesn't really care much about anyone but herself. She gets what she wants, or else... Despite being my main OC, she is the villain.
Speaking Pattern: Flamboyant (Idk if that's the word I wanted...) She uses uncommon words, and talks with a riddle like pattern at times.
Themesong:Headstrong or I am all of me
~Color: Dark Red
~Activities: Sleep, Fighting, Giving Orders to Joe
~Holiday: Halloween
~Toothpaste: Vanilla
~Meona: Best Friend, usually the only person she treats with respect.
~Joe: She likes to pick on him, and is particularly cruel when giving him orders, but at the same time considers him a friend.
~George: Her pet Parrot.
~Luan: Slightly less than a friend
Occupation: Pirate Captain.
Weapons: Twin Katanas, and Single Barrel Pistol
Random other info:
~Ron was originally supposed to be me SURPRISE! That's why we have the same name... but she developed into a different person....
~Started out as the twin sister of Nino's OC Neomi, who I could not find a picture of.... :P Blame her.
~At one point she had a ghost haunting her named Rachel...
ANY QUESTIONS? Feel free to ask her! She may not answer, but someone else will let you know. :)
So, as stated in the header for this world, this is a place where I am going to put character portfolios and stuff like that. It's mostly for me to remember, because, well, let's face it, my memory slightly sucks.
I was going to do one character at a time, and do them really detailed, but I tried that a couple days with my favorite OC Meona, and it didn't work out very well.
So, for now, I'm going to upload a bunch of the basic information for all of my characters, and then I will go through and edit them slowly over time, making them more detailed, and giving... MUCH better pictures. (I only have old pics for some of them... and no pics for others. xD)
But basically, this post is a pre-apology, because anyone who subscribed to me will probably get more notifications than they are interested in....
I love you all, and if you read any of them... thanks? :P