YO! I'm gangster...I think

Yes, today I started with a weird but interesting title...
But I have good news!!! Well for me it is and people who enjoy seeing my work too! TO see my good news, check out next paragraph!

Oh! If you are reading this now you are reading paragraph 2 of my "
Good News"!!! So a few days ago, actually last week, my mom went to amazon to order me a graduation present. I picked out Lucky Star vol. 1 and PRISMACOLOR colored pencils(I love saying that!)!!! The order came like 3 or 4 days ago and I love them to death! Lucky star is cute and Konata's eyes changed from beginning to end of the manga! I am definetly buying the second volume! Next up is my PRISMACOLOR colored pencils! The first art I did with them... eh not so nice with the outfit. Everything else-love 'em! I wish I could show you but my dad still hasn't found out how to scan on th printer... So for the two contests I entered...I might not get my submission in by the deadline TT___TT !!!!

Now you are reading paragraph 3 of my blog! I made my Sasuke and Sakura sims on the Sims3!!! Yes it is SasuSaku(srry fansgirls/fanboys!)... I want to kill Sasuke yet I want a nice couple like my brother, and at the same time embrace my Otaku-ness. The save slot is called Anime Valley iinstead of Sunset Valley.
My Death Note Sims are going fine. I realized that if I kill all my characters that died in the anime, only Near would live...then he'd be taken away from the Social Worker....

So goodbye and have a wonderful day!
