Haisai: A post just to tell you I'm always on theO ;)

I think that's how you spell it....
"Haisai" is Okinawan for "Hi"! Since it is in my blood, I may as well say it often!

I'm not on the computer at my house as I usually am doing, I'm on the computer at the TeenCenter!!!! Yes, the computers just opened up *nods*
I finally got the printer to work *stealing credit from my dad*!!! But the thing is, it's saved to a different file!!!! And on theO, they tell me to enter a file, when did....
Yay!!!! I got some cards up!!! X3
I really want that cards trophy!
Oh and I got a deviantart too! I'm going to log on later =)
Well, that's all for now!

Get it? "Hi"-sai & "Bye"-sai?
it's a pun...right?....Right??
