Shonen Jump?!

Why yes! I did get a Shonen Jump thing-a-ma-jigy....I mean magazine for an early birthday present from Momo357! Thank you Momo! But sadly her account has been frozen!
I love Shonen Jump. And the comics in there. Well some actually. At school we have to do a project on calories and being healthy and stuff. I am partners with one person I hate and Yuri_Nanamai. Also someone I don't really care about that much. We have to include all food groups except oils and think of a Physical activity. All under 1800 calories.
I wanted to have bungee jumping as a physical activity or hunting. But we decided on walking. I SHALL NOT GIVE UP!!!!
Well that's all I have to say today! My comic will be delayed because if I don't have a cover, I'll look like a noob. Meow!
