My week, Duh...

Yeah....I want to cover my last previous days here,almost a week actually.
Saturday 2/21/09:Yes! It was my birthday party! I invited Momo357, Yuri Nanami, and RicanGirl( that how you spell it?)! It was a blast! We had an "elegant" appetizer with fancy sandwiches, all you can eat sugar cubes(yum), and sugar waffers. I decided to put that because I was hungry(lol). We played Rock Band, and played DC heros vs Mortal Kombat. My brother was the champ(*thimbs down*boo!) We told scary stories at night about Mothman and the Hellhound(I felt presences in my kitchen)!!!
Monday 2/23/09: Feild Trip! I was partners with Yuri Nanami(yay!) and the McCracken(boo!). Wonder why we call her the Cracken? Her but Crack shows 24/7!!! She's a drama queen and she smells!
Saturday 2/28: I recorded some songs on my phone and I'm thinking about buying an iTouch for my MP3. I do have the money I think...Depends on the price. I have $50 in my wallet(b-day money) and 3 checks that totals $125. Is that enough?
So I hop you were interested in my week and one concern....
