Emotion Comotion


: Hello, Froggy-kins! That's your name if you didn't know that! I'm one of Frog's emotions, Annoying!!!! I don't really like my name....Emo am I really annoying??
: When are you not annoying?
: Awww!!!! That is SO sweet!!! Shy do you think I'm annoying????
:*Blush* I-I don't know......
: C'mon why couldn't you have had a better, nicer compliment like Emo? Emo is not really angry y'know!
:Anyways....Today Frog, or Doraemon 2356, is feeling....Bored. Today che had a lot of comments received from fellow fans. Please give more comments-
:-All of emotions LOVE reading what our fans say!!!!
:That son of a- Oh....and yeah. So...I have no more index cards to read from.... So yeah whatever, bye....

(nErDs <3 sTaRbUrSt)
