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Hello fellow readers! Today officailly started SUMMER VACATION!!! Yeah that means no fun with friends at recess or having lunch with the principal, or complaining about your miserable life with the guidance counselour, but still it's SUMMER!!! Well it was yesterday when I was let off but I returned to school agian today. The last two weeks of school was filled with fun, friends, and hanging out. I didn't want school to be over(I mean who wouldn't?)!! So I returned on the teacher's last day to help one of my teachers to pack up. From 6 am- 2pm but arriving at 10:30 left no work to do. So we just watched T.V and ate pizza, and hung out!
Okay.. that's pretty much it...
So before I sign out I will share a video with you called Draw With Me. It's an anime short with no speech just music and reading.
