Hello all and welcome to my fanfic world...thingy...(still getting used to this sight)

I have no long made this accound and am not sure how to use it lol. Most of the fanfics i post on here will also be there to read on fanfic.net
That's is my profile if for some reason you cant read it here or i haven been able to upload the whole thing.

Hope you enjoy what you see and might make a world later for discuess stuff about my fanfics...if i can do that

for now see ya!

Child of the Hogyoku

Child of the hogyoku The not so winter war didn't end as planed. It dealt a hard blow to both sides. Although the highest ranking casualties were mostly on Aizen's side. He had lost almost all of his espada. I...

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Child of the Hogyoku Info

Ok for the record Child of the Hogyoku was a fanfic i started writing about a year and a half ago and not long finnished. There was a stage while writing it that I told my spell check so expect some really bad spelling and grammer somewhere down the line.

It is already complete and I'll try post it all as soon as possible but it is 59 chapters if you include the epilogue.

hope you guys enjoy,

