Super Quiz.

1. Who is the most inspirational person you know and why? I'm not sure.
2. Do you believe in sex after marriage? why not? Do what you want as long as you're safe.
3. What colour is your hair? dark brown
4. Do you like your hair colour? i guess
5. Do you know what you want to do in life? nope not clue
6. Have you ever been really close to a teacher(s)? I guess you could call it "close" but not THAT close. just one.
7. Ever visited outside of your country? no
8. Do you think that the world is really going to end 21/12/2012? no u r really late
9. What's your view on flip flops? I don't like them at all unless you're going to the beach or pool/whatever maybe.
10. Ever almost drowned in a swimming pool? yes.
11. What do you go to sleep thinking about? Should i answer this
12. When you write 'lol' in a message, did you actually laugh? sometimes
13. Does your school allow you to chew gum? no but we do it anyway
14. Do you have plans for tomorrow? go to school
15. Do you prefer your mum or dad? My mom.
16. What did you have for lunch today? sandwich
17. Do you like your last name? yes.
18. Are you photogenic? no
19. Can you sing? hell no
20. Are you a Beliber? (Justin Bieber fan) nope.

1) have you ever (shoplifted)? I think i did when i was younger.
2) have you ever smoked before or been high before? no
3) ever been drunk or drinked before ? nope
4) how many boyfriends or girlfriends have you had ? none, ever
5) when did you get your first kiss? never had one
6) when did you get your first boyfriend/girlfriend ? see 4
7) do you get good school grades? yes
8) are u popular , unpopular or inbetween at school? unpopular but everybody in my grade, for the most part, knows me.
9) how old are you? thirteen.
11) fave singers? idk
12) fave drink? lemonade and drpepper
13) fave food ? cheesburgers
14) who is the hottest boy or girl you have ever seen? me
15) what country do you live in? i live in the states
16) what would you like to be when you start working? nervous, scared, sweaty and excited to get cash.
17)do u have a job now if so were do you work ? no im too young
18) 5 random facts about you?
I am weird, I like to say that im optimistic for the most part, i like to get my way, ive always wanted to be a singer and dancer.

Dog or Cat: cat, duh
Chocolate or Bacon: chocolate
Blue or Orange: orange.
Giving or Reciving: receiving
TV or Computer: computer
Hot day or Rainy day: rainy day.
Money or Beauty: money
Love or Truth: truth.
If you could have one super power what would it be? Teleportation.

1. What room are you in right now? my momm;s
2. What was the last song you listened to? An Alicia Keys song.
4. What was the last thing you ate? rice.
5. Do you like Twilight? meh
6. Do you have any pets? if so, what pets do you have? Yes. A dog, cat, three birds, two rabbits, and a hamster thing.
7. Do you like bananas? yes.
8. Summer or Winter? summer
9. Swimming pool or beach? beach!!!
10. Have you ever watched American Horror Story? if so, thoughts on it? nope

1. whats your first name
y do u care

2. do you like your name?

3. favorite names?
Oliver, Ophelia, Callum, Dainais (?)
the list goes on

4. dream job?
idk money

5. favorite celeb?

6. favorite tv show?
i dont have one really

7. can someone tell me what 90201 is bout? its starting down here soon...
no get out

8. favorite song?

9. fave artist?
I have no idea.

10. do you like to read?
Yes most def.

11. what books do you like?
Action, for sure. Hate mystery.

12.fave book?

13. do you like cooking? are you good at it?
the only thing i can make is eggs

14. do u like school

15. favorite things to wear?
shorts and a t-shirt but its winter so

16. do you like the simpsons?
i dont watch them

17. do you have a computer or laptop?
I am using a laptop.

18. fav animal

19.where would you travel to?
Canada, Germany amybe

20. dream place to live
i have no idea

21. who do ya wanna marry?

22. hot celebs?
i dont care

23. thoughts on Justin Bieber?
hurry up and get rid of your immature screwed up fanbase and bring on the cool ones like me.

24. do you go on twitter?

25. fav food?

26. your taste in names?

27. fav tv channel?

28. whats the weather like?
cold and wintery

29. whats the time?
11.03 pm.

Blue or Green? blue
Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
Brown hair or Blonde hair? blonde
Cody Simpson or Justin Bieber? jb
TV or Computer? computer
Phone or Ipod? phone
Skype or Tinychat? skype
Google or Wikipedia?google
Pencil or Pen? pencil?
Popsicles or Freezies? what?????????
Regular or Pink Lemonade? regs.
Facebook or Twitter? facebook
Tv Shows or Movies? movies
Lemons or Limes? lemons
Cats or Dogs? cat
Xbox or PS3? xbox
McDonalds or A&W? mcd's
Ketchup or Mustard? ketchuo
Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings? HP
Chips or Popcorn? popcurn
Fruit or Veggies? fruit
Rain or Sunshine? rain.
