Hair and Merida

Me,Jack Camille,Hiccup,and Rapunzel are outside chilling and talking.

We stop for and stare at Merida to see her doing exercises and training

Kay: Do you ever relax watches merida do jumping jacks

Merida: Never I always have to be top of my game Merida finishes her jumping jacks, picks up her bow and arrow then starts shooting arrows at the target never missing

Jack: Do you ever miss a target?

Merida: Nope

Hiccup: ..........not even once?

Merida:Not Ever once

Rapunzel: looks at Merida and blinks everyone should relax once in a while

Merida:Not me

Camille: opens one of her closed eyes I dare you to miss a target


she pulls back the arrow unwillingly and lets go making the arrow totally go above the target

she stands there not saying a word

it gets dark

Hiccup: Ok its getting dark we should go inside

we all nod and walk inside the house.

Merida:.........................................doesn't move an inch

Kay and Camille walk outside and pick up Merida.

Camille: I'll get the hands you get the legs

Kay: ok picks up her legs and Camille picks her hands up.

both walk back in the house with disappointment on our faces


Camille: Merida suck it up. You missed so what?

Merida: I MISSED!!!!!!!!!

Camille: It if makes you feel any better i did dare you to miss.

Kay nods

Merida runs to us with anger in eyes.

Camille:........Welp this is how your gonna end and that's ok pats Kay's back and steps to the other side while Kay gets glomped.

few minutes later

Kay:.....................................................grabs a rock and throws it at Camille 's head There now we're even

Camille: cries silently in a corner