
KyanChan tagged me!!!!!!
Lets begin, shall we??
1) What's Your Favorite Outfit?
It changes all the time. Right now it's the new shirt I got for Christmas, (It says: " Real Men Don't Sparkle. Real Men Defeat Dark Wizards" ^^ it's Harry Potter-ish) jeans, my new dolphin charm bracelet, and boots.

2) What is the best thing that happened to you today?
Hmmmm... I had a pretty boring day, so it was probably just finding out there was a new book in one of my favorite series.

3) If you could meet anyone, who would it be...?
If it was a real person, then J.K. Rowling. If it was a fake person, then Lavi from D.Gray-Man.

4) Who's your favorite singer/ band?
Again, this changes all the time. Right now it's probably either the band The Fray or Brittney Spears, because for some bizarre reason, I can't stop listening to her songs.

5) If you could meet any member of TheO that you don't know, who would it be?
Assuming none of them were creepy stalkers (this is not meant to offend anyone. I'm just saying...) then probably either Halfway Vamped or mangalover567.

6) What country would you like to visit the most?
Italy, because
A) I'm learning the language in school and
B) there's tons of pasta!!! ^^

7) If you could be ANYONE for a day, who would you be?
I'd be the president, so I could finally see what the inside of the White House looked like.

8) What did you do today?
Read, drew, listened to music, ran errands, tried rock candy for the first time (it's so good!! ^^) went on the computer, watched The Polar Express.

9) Did you see any other TheO members in real life today? If so, who?
No, unfortunately >.<

10) What's a good anime recomandation?
D.Gray-Man and/or Fullmetal Alchemist

11) Do you know any other otaku in real life?
catsworld, KyanChan, LinaMiyazaki, LunaCrecant, Prussiaeva

Yes!!!!!! I did it!!!!! I tag:

Puppet Mistress
NeKo MoonShine

My Questions:
1) What are you doing right now?
2) What would you like to be doing right now?
3) CHEESE! your response?
4) Cats or dogs?
5) If there was one thing about TheO you could change, what would it be?
6) What are you wearing right now?
7) Do you watch any non-anime shows? If so, than what are your favorite ones?
8) If you could be any animal in the whole world, what would you be??
9) Would you come to the dark side if they had cookies?
10) What is your absolute favorite anime/manga?
11) The last question!! Anything else would'd like to say?

Sorry they're kinda stupid... i just woke up so what can i say??
