TAG!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

tagged by Lina!!!!! XD XD XD

1. how do you watch your anime?
On my Ipod Touch, using the Netflix app.

2. ultimate life goal?
to write a novel and get it published!! *dramatic music plays in backround*

3. are you easily confused??
Hmmm... maybe... or maybe not...?

4. There is a murderer in your house. you...
a. Run in circles and scream
b. Get a knife
d. Escape from front door!!!
e.ask him if you can join his murder-group!!
Cowardly escape!!

5. favorite color?

7.ever broken a bone? If so, what bone? (arm, leg, wrist, ankle, ect.)

8. Math or Science?
neither >.<

9. Ideal hair color?
silver with green streaks!

10. Favorite word?
Part of Speech:

sentimental, emotional

bathetic, cloying, feeble, gooey, gushing, gushy, lovey-dovey, maudlin, mushy, nauseating, romantic, sappy*, schmaltzy , sickening, sloppy, tear-jerking, teary

11. what is the weirdest thing your parents have ever done?
You don't want to know...
