This week was...

This week was a bit unexpected. First I got help out my friend at her library that was Monday. Now I was expecting to help her Monday thru Thursday, however Monday evening I was beginning to feel sick. This was beyond my normal allergies. So it turned out she didn't need me the next day which turned out to be a good thing, because I was MISERABLE! Coughing, sneezing, and nose blowing is so much fun. Eh, not really. So Tuesday and Wednesday I just tried to relax and get better.I am still a tiny bit sick and it's Saturday...

Anyways I think it was the dust in her library that caused me to get sick. The next day I worked was Thursday which awesome, we got a ton done, watched a show or two while we worked. We had a couple of helpers and even got finished early! We also went out to get lunch at one of my favorite chicken places! ^_^

Yesterday Friday was very nice. Weird thing though my internet was not working for most of the day. During the day I got to get a lot of reading done. Actually this whole week, I have finished 3 books. Another thing that happened yesterday was I got to visit the bookstore a buy several books. Let me just tell you they are huge books. Now I believe I have mentioned I love, love, love books. In case I haven't, you know now.

The only thing that was really unexpected and odd besides the no internet for most of the day was I didn't get to play Ultimate Frisbee. It was a very chilly windy day. I was concerned I might get sicker if I played. Now I really can't wait to play Frisbee next week! Especially since I haven't played in two weeks now.

Sunday the plan is my brother and my sister-in-law visiting from out of town. On Monday there is a cook-out at friends house. The coming week sounds like fun so far and I can barely wait! I hope all of you have had nice weeks, and have a very good next week!

Below is a Steampunk pic I really wish it was me but I don't have the clothes yet.. When I do get some (btw no idea when that will happen) I will for sure post pics for those interested. Enjoy the Steampunk pic!!
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