'Cause I got bored here's another Meme

[ ] You carry a mirror everywhere.
[ ] You carry beauty supplies everywhere.
[ ] You put others down.
[ ] You flaunt or brag about yourself.
[ ] The only topic that interests you is you.
[ ] You don't listen to others problems.
[ ] You wear booty shorts.
[x] You wear makeup. (rarely)
[x] You enjoy attention.
[ ] You like to do things YOUR way and YOUR way only.
Result: 2

[ ] You feel negative about your body image.
[x] You don't have a lot of money.
[ ] You don't have good grades.
[ ] You're insecure.
[ ] Your living conditions aren't the best.
[ ] You cry a lot.
[x] You are bullied. (what does this have to do with envy??)
[x] You've never been in a real relationship or have been in a bad one. (bad ones but I still don't get what it has to do with envy)
[x] You don't attract all the girls/boys. ( But, I don't want to attract EVERYONE. LOL)
[ ] You think everyone else has better things.
Results: 4

[x] You eat a lot.
[ ] You always get more than what you need.
[ ] You always have snacks around your house.
[x] You drink a lot. (Yeah, water!!)
[ ] You always have a granola bar or something in your purse.
[ ] You hide food.
[ ] You binge-eat.
[x] You are normally warm.
[x] You can crack a lot of your bones
[x] You often say, "I'm starving...."
Results: 5

[ ] You are very sexually active.
[ ] You have had three or more girlfriends or boyfriends.
[ ] You wear matching underwear.
[ ] You wear a lot of makeup.
[ ] You have fetishes.
[ ] You have looked up porn.
[ ] You are a fan of Yaoi or Yuri.
[ ] You have '"fantasized".
Results: 1

[ ] You have not had a real relationship.
[ ] You go to anger management classes or used to.
[ ] You have to take special pills.
[ ] You are aggressive.
[ ] You hate someone
[ ] You have hurt someone - physically or mentally.
[ ] You back-talk people.
[x] You have gotten detention before.
[ ] You get into fights - verbal or physical.
[x] You are strong. (Strong in a good way tho, not to hurt ppl, more like from sports and lifting stuff)
Results: 2

[x] You often buy things.
[ ] You [often] WANT instead of NEED.
[x] You have expensive things. (a few but usually from sales or gifts)
[ ] You put yourself before others.
[ ] You can tend to be a little rude.
[ ] You don't try to save money.
[ ] You own more than two cars.
[ ] You own more than two credit cards.
[ ] You always have to look the best
Results: 2

[ ] You don't do gym in school or don't try in gym.
[ ] You don't have the best grades.
[ ] You procrastinate.
[ ] You go to bed at ten p.m.
[ ] You often take naps.
[ ] You fall asleep in classes.
[ ] You're often called lazy.
[ ] You don't participate in class.
[ ] You do the minimum amount of work.
[ ] You seldom go to church.
Results: 0

YIKES 2 results, Gluttony I wasn't expecting that... >.<
Some of these questions I do them but I still don't get why they go in the category
