byakuyarox1 tagged me XD

My Questions from byakuyarox1
1. What's your most embarrassing moment?
I don't know I get embarrassed easily my face turns tomato red

2. If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
Have a car, job working with children, and new laptop

3. Where would your dream home be located?
Near the beach or mountains

4. Would you rather have short hair or long hair?

5. If you could have any other talents than what you already have, what would they be?
Better at art, better concentration,

6. Dream job?
A Children's Author

7. Most despised anime/manga character?
I don't know

8. If you could meet one famous person, who would it be?
Hugh Jackman

9. Would you give up a once in a lifetime chance to stay with your friends?

10. Favorite quote?
"Sunny with the high of 75 Since you took my heavy heart, and made it light and it's funny how you enjoy your life when you happy to be ALIVE!"

11. What's the scariest thing you've ever done?
Been lost in a cave

I'm going to break tradition and I'm going to ask 11 question and whoever wants to use them for their blogs can.

1. Are you a Boy or Girl?

2. Favorite toppings on pizza?

3. Least favorite candy?

4. What are you doing this summer?

5. What makes you the happiest?

6. Favorite Anime/Mnaga character?

7. Favorite season and why?

8. Where would you like to travel?

9. Beach or Mountians or _______?

10. What is something you buy a lot of?

11. What is the best movie you have seen recently?
