Life is good

Since I last updated this and it's been a while I've read about 5 books.
Sorry about not updating it's been hectic, I've been reading a lot in my spare time. I have written about a chapter and half on my children's book. I have about one more chapter to go.
AND! I've thought of a new story idea!! I just need to finish this book first.

Ultimate Frisbee is done for this year. I will miss it tons, and I can't wait until we play again next year.

Here's how this week went.

Last Saturday my friends and I hiked a mountain and saw a gorgeous waterfall! Overall I hiked 2.8 miles :D
After we go back to town we pigged out on Mexican food so yummy!

I helped out with youth group on Sunday. We had a mustache theme everyone had to wear a mustache. So my sister did makeup magic and gave me a realistic beard and mustache. I wore my brother's plaid shirt a pair of hiking boots. The kids at youth group loved it, I loved it, and we all had so much fun!

That's how last weekend went.

Monday I had a consultation for my wisdom teeth and found out I needed a CT Scan cause 2 of the teeth are on the nerve on my mouth. So I scheduled that for the next day.

Tuesday got the CT scan done. whew! But now I have to have 2 surgeries on my mouth to get all my wisdom teeth out. which means more expense and longer recovery time. Yuck!

Wednesday I found out I had to lead the discussion at small group. I had about 8 hours to have the lesson ready to teach. It went pretty well. Some kid thought I was a junior in high school. I couldn't tell if I should feel flattered. That at 24 I look that young. Or a bit weirded out.

Thursday I went to a friends house for a few house for a few hours. It was awesome!

Tonight and today I am doing nothing but watch movies, read and chill out.

Tomorrow I have a busy day planned. Going to see Enders Game with my friend Allison in the morning!! Then to a hangout/bonfire at my friends farm. It's going to be an awesome weekend.

Hope you all have a great weekend

I'll try to update this at least once before my first surgery on December 2nd.
