when life happens

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This week I had surgery to take out the 2 right wisdom teeth out of my mouth. I was very pleased at how quick and easy the surgery went. The rest of the day passed slowly, and the pain set in as I waited for the pain meds to be ready. It got so bad at one point I started crying. For those of you who don't know I hardly ever cry. Once the meds started working I was fine barely eating but okay. Until it was bedtime I had taken the evening meds then had eaten some strawberry jello and chocolate pudding. Something BAD happened. I ended up throwing up about 5 times before finally falling asleep.
This was the worst part of my entire week. The repeated throwing up. I won't go into detail. But I so so happy my moth is almost done healing.

The past few days I've done a lot of sleeping, reading, watching big bang theory and resting.

The other day I found an awesome deal on a kindle. The reading kind not the Kindle Fire. So I ordered it and it should be arriving at my house within the next 9 or so days!!

Monday afternoon I will see the the oral surgeon hopefully all is well with my healing process.

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